Goat Drop Food (Fabric)

Goat Drop Food (Fabric)


This mod helps you to give some item when a Goat Mob killed...


1) Chevon (is a meat which also added by this mod)

2) Snowball 

3) Leather (very rare to get from a goat)

Forge / Fabric :-

This MOD is for FABRIC but I try to make Forge Version soon.

Current Version

V- 1.1.3-1.19.2 :-  Now this mod updated to 1.19.2. Adding CHEVON to Butcher Trade  (Villager Type). Now CHEVON is so good with trading. Now it is the best meat food in the game also it is very rare as it get you from kill a goat.

Previous Versions

V- 0.1.2-1.19.1 :-  Now this mod updated to 1.19.1. Also changing the CHEVON SATURATION. Now its give you 3 times of saturation of (Raw/Cooked) Beef which is very helpful.

Also change the drop level of Leather from a goat. Now it is so rare to get leather from a goat. You can compare it to get rabbit foot form a rabbit.

V- 0.0.1-1.19 :- This is first version of this mod which just add two Food Item called CHEVON and COOKED CHEVON. Also add some recipe to get cooked chevon from raw ones. Also added goat drop (Chevon, Leather, Snow Ball).

Upcoming Version

Adding CHEVON to Butcher Trade.

About the mod Version

All the mod versions have this format a.b.c-x.y.z || 

Here first 3 codes means a.b.c is defined like this:-

a :- If its change means the mod added a new feature than the older versions.

b :- If its change means the mod changed some existing feature {like loot drop}.

c :- If its change means the mod updated to newer minecraft versions.

And last 3 codes is defined with the minecraft version:-

Like if the mod compatible with 1.17.3, then x.y.z like this:-

x :- 1

y :- 17

z :- 3



You can comment about for adding feature like you want, I try to add this. Also you can comment (or Social Media) to better texture for chevon. Also comment for any bug you faced.


You can to share this mod in any other social media platform, But you need to talk with me also give credit to me and added this CurseForge page link as well. 

Social Media Links For Contract

My Youtube Channel    ( <-- Clickable)

 Facebook / Messenger   ( <-- Clickable)

 Telegram   ( <-- Clickable)

 Gmail:- [email protected]


Texture :- Goat Food Mod 1.18.2 For Forge (<-- Clickable)

Modding Help :- VeroxUniverse (Kaupen Hub Discord Surver)

Great Credit :- Kaupen Joe -> i) YT (<-- Clickable)

                                                  ii) Discord Server (<-- Clickable)