Good Night's Sleep

Good Night's Sleep

The Sleepy Hills Biome

The Sleepy Hills Biome

Known as Good Dream Plains in 1.15 and lower. It is also the only Dream biome in 1.15 and lower.
The Shameful Plains Biome (1.16+)

The Shameful Plains Biome (1.16+)

The Wasted Forest Biome (1.16+)

The Wasted Forest Biome (1.16+)

The Good Dream Plains Biome (1.16+)

The Good Dream Plains Biome (1.16+)

The Dreamy Forest Biome (1.16+)

The Dreamy Forest Biome (1.16+)

The Nightmare Hills biome

The Nightmare Hills biome

This is the only Nightmare biome in 1.15 and lower.
Classic Good Night's Sleep Logo

Classic Good Night's Sleep Logo

Sweet dreams.