Graphing Calculator 3D
Updated 3 years ago
Created 5 years ago
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Slope as color, in Cartesian
Illustration of graph-coloring by slope.
tau = phi, in Toroidal
Very cool, very weird.
The In-Game Gui
Lots of customization possible, and satisfyingly clicky equation blocks.
r = phi, in Spherical
Nice texture stitching, mildly exotic coordinate system.
Interaction through ComputerCraft
An example of altering a graph with a program in CC:Tweaked.
Angle as a function of r, in Spherical
Any variable can be a function of any other, in any system.
Collision Detection
You can toggle collision for a graph, which functions properly for all entities.
Sigma summation in Parabolic
Another use of the series operations. (Also just too cool not to put here)
y = 1 / (xz), in Cartesian
Asymptotes detected and disconnected.
Remainder function in Cartesian
Example of the complexity possible.
h = theta, in Cylindrical
Copied with the Memory Card item, and rotated. Also scaled and translated.
u = 1 / vw, in 6-Sphere
Helpful contour lines, scaled up for clarity. Another nice one.
Trig function with slope coloring, in Cartesian
Another example of slope coloring.
Summation in Cartesian
A 100-term summation of sign waves, approximating a saw-wave.
Bridges and stairs
These graphs make nice additions to a builder's toolbox.
nu = 1 / (sinh(mu)), in Oblate Spheroidal
Mostly just a cool graph.
Trig function in 6-Sphere
Unusual coordinate systems still look good.
Sine wave in Cartesian
A nice example of lighting/texturing.
Constants in Bipolar Cylindrical
Illustration of how you can use the mod to see and understand coordinate components.
tau = 1 / tanh(sigma), in Toroidal
Complicated graph, but well-textured.
y = int(x), in Cartesian
Good discontinuity detection, translucent graph.