Make recipe registries reloadable
brachy84 opened this issue · 10 comments
- Forge
- Applied Energistics 2
- Chisel
- Mekanism
- EnderIO
- Thermal Expansion (started in thermal branch)
- Immersive Engineering
- IC2 (both)
GTCE (only on request) - GTCEu (on their side)
- BloodMagic
- Astral Sorcery
- Botania
- Thaumcraft
- EvilCraft
- Draconic Evolution
- InWorldCrafting
- Avaritia
- Tinker Construct
- Actually Additions
- Extended Crafting
- Terra Firma Craft
- Harvest Festival Legacy
- ModularMachinery: Community Edition
- Artisan Workbench
- Extra Utilities 2
- Pyrotech
- Ex Nihilo: Creatio (WIP)
- Integrated Dynamics
- Forestry
- LootTweaker (Native) (Almost done)
- foodtweaker
- Initial Inventory (Native)
- ZSRarity (Native)
- Game Stages and addons (Item, Ore, Journeymap, Multiblock)
- Packmode
- Multiblocktweaker (For GTCEu)
- Advanced Rocketry
- Galacticraft
- FutureMC
- RockyTweaks
- Vanilla Anvil Repair
- Tabulator
Some mods have implemented compat on their end
- Nuclearcraft
- Embers
Support "needed" for my packs:
Gregic Dimensions:
- Aether
- Bewitchment (WIP by me)
- Calculator (by WaitingIdly)
- Helpers for GT Singleblocks/Multiblocks/Stone Types
Compressed Skies:
- Prodigy Tech (by Wizzerinus)
- SteamWorld
- EFab
- Railcraft
- Revolution of Steam (SAR Fork, on their side possibly?)
Technical Skies:
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (by WaitingIdly)
All combustion machines other than the brick kiln are missing. That’s sawmills, ovens, crucibles and bloomery. Some of these have more variants (brick and iron).