- 1
Failed to get block from mod with metadata
#123 opened by Bezdrom - 0
Doesn't display Cyrillic correctly
#115 opened by Bezdrom - 0
Non-.groovy file extensions are logged differently
#118 opened by WaitingIdly - 0
Config To Allow Groovy Log Errors to Display on World Load
#119 opened by IntegerLimit - 1
#120 opened by brachy84 - 0
When using GroovyScript, crafting recipes in Gregtech machines are not shown in the JEI
#114 opened by Arseniy075492 - 0
load order problem
#109 opened by mczph - 0
weird interaction with agricraft config
#110 opened by Biviho - 7
Crash with LiteLoader (installed as Forge mod)
#112 opened by sqwyddy - 3
Problem with getting LocalizedName of block ( event.getState().getBlock().getLocalizedName() ) for blocks from mods (but with vanilla this function works perfectly)
#124 opened by Bezdrom - 0
NPE with Integrated Dynamics when reloading and having Machines disabled via config
#125 opened by MasterEnderman - 1
Derives of ModPropertyContainer.initialize are not marked as blacklisted (unlike super)
#132 opened by zznty - 1
Groovyscript execution directory? + filepath distance from config directory
#136 opened by AncientShotgun - 1
crash with GTCEU
#149 opened by SieIin - 2
Crash durinh iniatilizing
#153 opened by javiburatos - 9
I can't copy
#160 opened by skrjii - 4
Mod Crashed when existing with JAOPCA
#161 opened by EdwinYoungSteve - 2
[Mod Compat]Hope Grs can support Mana Infusion Recipe for making any catalyst cube in Botania Mod
#164 opened by EdwinYoungSteve - 3
Reload failure
#166 opened by zfms4188 - 0
Missing Documentation: Immersive Engineering Crusher Recipe Secondary Output
#167 opened by Invadermonky - 1
Unable to run GroovyScript 1.0.1 on Dedicated Server
#170 opened by chairclr - 3
[Mod Compat] Latest version of AE2-UEL produces a NPE for inscriber recipes
#172 opened by glektarssza - 0
Language Server doesn't suggest parent class completions
#174 opened by LuCa-0 - 1
1.01 Server Crashes
#175 opened by zfms4188 - 1
mek v10 crash
#181 opened by zfms4188 - 1
Grs Inworldcrafting don't have options that do not consume fluids
#182 opened by EdwinYoungSteve - 3
Competition with JAOPCA
#188 opened by code-onigiri - 0
IE press doesn't properly set input item count if the input item is oredicted in
#190 opened by Wizzerinus - 1
IE machines (Crusher, Arc Furnace, maybe more?) and oredicted inputs
#195 opened by Wizzerinus - 1
Gamestages compat
#207 opened by brachy84 - 6
can't reloading
#211 opened by skrjii - 5
Three-way incompatibility makes `/gs hand` command error out (GrS + DummyCore + VintageFix)
#213 opened by Wizzerinus - 1
When CrT, GrS and Extended Crafting mod exist together, RecipeMaker will only output groovy statements instead of zs statements
#215 opened by EdwinYoungSteve - 0
RuntimeException with Sponge forge.
#216 opened by MisterNorwood - 0
[Mod Support Request]Defiled Lands defilement
#223 opened by mczph - 3
Draconic Evolution dysfunction
#227 opened - 6
Cannot create basic aspect of Thaumcraft
#228 opened by EdwinYoungSteve - 2
VSCode extension seizure
#233 opened by Pixelguru26 - 1
MekCEu can not make a recipe
#247 opened by sekinon-maru9 - 2
crash with the latest version and TweakedExcavation
#256 opened by Biviho - 2
Crash when updating to 1.2.0 (and hotfix version)
#263 opened by mczph - 0
Compat for this list of mods
#260 opened by Wintersky20 - 3
Crash on startup (java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/cleanroommc/groovyscript/compat/mods/ModPropertyContainer)
#262 opened by aking4125 - 9
Strange crash with Mekanism on 1.2.0 version
#265 opened by mczph - 2
CCL Crash exception whilst rendering an item
#264 opened by jude123412 - 5
Crashes when 1.1.3→1.20hotfix updating, with NuclearCraft: Overhauled
#268 opened by sekinon-maru9 - 2
Compatibility with Create Legacy
#266 opened by code-onigiri - 6
CompressorRecipeManager expiriences an error of NoSuchMethodError
#267 opened by logslmao - 2
Incorrect error from Error Catcher
#270 opened by ghzdude - 0
Crash with ModernWarfareCubed
#286 opened by XZYawa