


weird interaction with agricraft config

Biviho opened this issue · 0 comments


hi! this is the weirdest interaction i've ever seen regarding two mods: (i think is the same as this issue, i admit is difficult to understand there XD)

it looks like having groovyscript and agricraft together cause agricraft jsons under config > agricraft to be regenerated and added into config > agricraft > config > agricraft after every game startup

this cause after a bit to have a huge number of subfolders with jsons that will slow down game load (i noticed the game freezing for a while during agricraft loading recently... there wers 40 mb of jsons in i don't even know how many subfolders...).

i know it's weird, but i managed to narrow down the issue in agricraft being loaded with groovyscript... is it something caused by groovyscript that you can fix?
you can test this out by just having groovyscript, mixinbooter, agricraft and infinityLib in a pack