CompressorRecipeManager expiriences an error of NoSuchMethodError
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My script is simple, it just adds a gregtech material, nothing else.
println("Initializing GREGTECH content")
mods.gregtech.materialEvent {
def rose_material = materialBuilder(32000,"rose_heart")
.components(material('carbon') * 2)
println("Init of GREGTECH Completed")
Anyways, the full error is
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.blakebr0.extendedcrafting.crafting.CompressorRecipeManager.getRecipes()Ljava/util/List;
Here is my latest and debug.log
groovyscript is compatible with https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extended-crafting-nomifactory-edition not base extended crafting.
unrelatedly, in your script you make an error involving where parentheses go.
println("Initializing GREGTECH content")
mods.gregtech.materialEvent {
def rose_material = materialBuilder(32000,"rose_heart")
- .liquid(fluidBuilder())
+ .liquid(fluidBuilder()
- .translation('gregtech.fluid.liquid_generic')
+ .translation('gregtech.fluid.liquid_generic'))
.components(material('carbon') * 2)
println("Init of GREGTECH Completed")
Now, it works, but i get a new error, being
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: preInit.gregtech.addElement() is applicable for argument types: (Integer, Integer, Integer, null, String, String, Boolean) values: [289, 193, -1, null, Draconium, DRc, false]
I swear i added it correctly, but addElement doesnt work for me at all, regardless of what i add to the parameters
addElement((long) 289, (long) 193, (long) -1, null, Draconium, DRc, false)
There's no error, but there isn't an element marker, i used .element and it didn't do anything, using .component makes the item no longer existent
EDIT: .element also breaks the items