Reload failure
zfms4188 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
GroovyScript ver 1.0.1
The reload failed, but the restart game script worked
This is from the Forestry's API:
public class TreeManager {
public static ICharcoalManager charcoalManager;
This is from the Charcoal Pile code:
removeScripted().forEach(((CharcoalManagerAccessor) TreeManager.charcoalManager).getWalls()::remove);
So, supposedly, the NPE occurs when charcoalManager is accessed, although we're clearly checking whether Arboriculture is enabled:
public boolean isEnabled() {
return ForestryAPI.moduleManager.isModuleEnabled("forestry", ForestryModuleUids.ARBORICULTURE);
But I think that's not the right module because there is a separate Charcoal module:
public class ForestryModuleUids {
public static final String APICULTURE = "apiculture";
public static final String ARBORICULTURE = "arboriculture";
public static final String CHARCOAL = "charcoal";
So this is the possible cause of the issue, going to test it now.
confirmed this being the issue as NPE occurs when charcoal
module is disabled and stops occuring when AGRICULTURE
is swapped to CHARCOAL