


GroovyScript conflicts with Ender IO

Devilovania opened this issue · 2 comments


GroovyScript 0.7.0版本会与Ender IO 5.3.72版本冲突报错,错误报告经ChatGPT分析后输出为:根据报告,异常可能是由于Java类的初始化错误导致的。具体来说,crazypants.enderio.base.config.config.PersonalConfig类的初始化引发了异常。

GroovyScript version 0.7.0 will conflict with Ender IO version 5.3.72 and report an error, and the error report will be analyzed by ChatGPT and output as follows: According to the report, the exception may be caused by an initialization error of the Java class. Specifically, the initialization of the crazypants.enderio.base.config.config.PersonalConfig class throws an exception.


Is this a joke? You don't provide log updates but instead send ChatGPT error reports. It's quite amusing. Sending such irrelevant information only increases the difficulty for the developers to address the issues.


Is this a joke? You don't provide log updates but instead send ChatGPT error reports. It's quite amusing. Sending such irrelevant information only increases the difficulty for the developers to address the issues.

Sorry for not being able to post the bug report in time, but I hope it's not too late