Growing Flowers 2 by Sealchan
This mod is a port of the Growing Flowers Mod by gelber_kaktus to Minecraft 1.12.2 For the version compatible with Minecraft 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 see
Current Features
- Flowers as crops - Vanilla Flowers can be crafted into Seeds which can, in turn, be planted in Farmland and will grow through 8 visible growth stages
- All Vanilla one-block flowers are now available
- Flowers - Allium, Azure Bluet, Blue Orchid, Dandelion, Poppy, Oxeye Daisy, Tulips (Orange, Pink, Red, White)
- Flower Farming Drop Rate - The drop rate for all flowers is 0 to 3 seeds and 1 flower upon maturity. 1 seed if crop is not fully mature.
Future Features - Next Release
To be determined...
Future Features - Beyond the Next Release
- Add blossom and stem drops per the original mod
- Add plants and flowers from other mods
Please report any issues or enhancement requests at
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