Gun scrapper

Gun scrapper


The Gun Scrapping mod introduces a specialized crafting station for scrapping guns and other customizable items in Minecraft. With this mod, players gain access to a robust system that allows dismantling items into their core components in a configurable and immersive way.

Key Features

  1. Gun Scrapping Workbench:
    A unique crafting station where players can scrap guns and other configurable items for resources.

  2. JSON Configurability:
    Easily customize the items that can be scrapped and their resulting outputs via two JSON files:

    • transforms.json: Defines positional transformations for items based on their IDs or NBT data.
    • scrapper_conversions.json: Configures scrapping mechanics, loot outcomes, and optional effects such as explosions (via explosionChance and explosionPower).
  3. Versatile Use:
    While primarily designed for guns, the scrapping workbench can process any item specified in the configuration, allowing compatibility with various mods.

  4. Immersive Experience:
    Custom dismantling sound effects and configurable recipes enhance the player's crafting experience.

1. transforms.json

This file specifies positional transformations for items during scrapping. Transformations can be defined as single configurations or lists for items with multiple behaviors.


  • xLocation, yLocation, zLocation: Define the item's position transformation.
  • requiredNbt (Optional): Specifies NBT data to identify specific items.


  • Single Item Configuration:

    "minecraft:stone": {
        "xLocation": 0.0,
        "yLocation": 0.0,
        "zLocation": -0.4

    Applies a transformation to the item with the ID tacz:modern_kinetic_gun.

  • Multiple Configurations (Using a List):

    "tacz:modern_kinetic_gun": [
            "requiredNbt": "{GunId:\"tacz:deagle\"}",
            "xLocation": 0.0,
            "yLocation": 0.0,
            "zLocation": -0.4
            "requiredNbt": "{GunId:\"tacz:ak47\"}",
            "xLocation": 0.0,
            "yLocation": 0.0,
            "zLocation": -0.5

    This example defines different transformations for the tacz:modern_kinetic_gun based on its requiredNbt.

2. scrapper_conversions.json

This file determines scrapping mechanics, resource yields, and optional explosion effects during scrapping.


  • lootTable: Specifies the loot table used to determine the item's output.
  • requiredHits: The number of hits required to scrap the item.
  • requiredNbt (Optional): Matches specific items based on their NBT.
  • explosionChance (Optional): Percentage chance of triggering an explosion during scrapping.
  • explosionPower (Optional): Specifies the power of the explosion if triggered.


  • Single Item Configuration:

    "minecraft:end_crystal": {
        "lootTable": "gun_scrapper:chests/aa12_scrap-loot",
        "requiredHits": 5.0,
        "explosionChance": 50.0,
        "explosionPower": 35.0

    Scrapping the minecraft:end_crystal has a 50% chance to trigger a powerful explosion with a strength of 35.

  • Multiple Configurations (Using a List):

    "tacz:modern_kinetic_gun": [
            "lootTable": "minecraft:chests/village_weaponsmith",
            "requiredHits": 0.8,
            "requiredNbt": "{GunId:\"tacz:deagle\"}"
            "lootTable": "minecraft:chests/village_weaponsmith",
            "requiredHits": 1.5,
            "requiredNbt": "{GunId:\"tacz:ak47\"}"

    This setup applies unique loot outcomes and hit requirements based on the item's NBT.


                             Special thanks to Corrineduck Raph and MC7

                            This mod was originaly made for the modpack CW but anyone can ofc use it.