Black Dye SR

Potato SR
Finally a use for that potato of poison!
Chainmail Leggings CR

Crying Obsidian CR

Leather SR

Stone Shovel CR

Green Dye CR11

CopperBlock BLR

Fermented Spider Eye CR
now either type of mushroom will work
Brown Dye CR

Lantern CR1

Slimeball CR

Nether Quartz CR

Brown Dye CR2

Green Dye CR6

Pink Dye CR

Paper SC

Book and Quill CR

Chain CR

Netherstar CR

Lantern CR3

Leather CR1

Nametag CR

Red Dye CR
Try Redstone Dust, Spider Eye, red mushroom, crimson fungus, crimson root, or netherwarts!
Budding Amethyst CR

Brick CFR

Amythest Shard CR1

Elytra CR

Dead Bush CR

Blue Dye CR

Chainmail Chestplate CR

Anvil Repair 2

Black Dye CR2

String CR2

Green Dye CR7

Oak Sappling CR

IronBlock BLR

Paper SC 2

Obsidian CR
I mean lava + water is how its done so why not?
Sculk Vein CR

Gravel SC

Paper CR

Cherry Sappling CR

Bonemeal CR

Paper CR 2

Glowberry CR

Red Dye SR

Cobweb CR

String CR1

Village Bell CR

Spruce Sappling CR

Yellow Dye CR2

Green Dye CR10

Mud CR

Anvil Repair 1

Stone Sword CR

Jungle Sappling CR

Magenta Dye CR2

water CR

Magenta Dye CR
flowering azaelea leaves, flowering azaelea bush, and popped chorus fruit can be used
Diamond Horse Armor ST

Powdered snow CR1

Green Dye CR5

Water SR

Bottle O' enchanting CR

Block of Quartz SR

Echoshard CR

Stone Pickaxe CR

Sculk Sensor CR

Stonecutter CR

Stone Axe CR

Trident CR

Red Dye CR2

Yellow Dye CR3

GoldBlock BLR

Clay SR

Blaze Powder BR

Dripstone CR

Leather Horse Armor CR

Stone Hoe CR

Lantern CR2

Sculk CR

Green Dye CR4

Black Dye CR1

Charcoal SR

Powdered Snow CR2

Grass CR

Totem of Undying CR

Green Dye CR2

Andesite CR

Enchanted Golden Apple CR

Sticky Piston CR

Leather CR2

Acacia Sappling CR

String CR 4

Gold Horse Armor ST

Mycelium CR

Sponge CR

Dark Oak Sappling CR

Nether Wart CR

Clay CFR

Chainmail Helm CR

Dirt CR2

Sculk Catalyst CR

Green Dye SR

Green Dye CR9

Clayball CR

Amethyst Shard CR2

Chorus Fruit CR

Glow Lichen CR

Birch Sappling CR

Green Dye CR3

Chainmail Boots CR

Iron horse Armor ST

Netherquartz SR

Gravel CR

Saddle CR

Amethyst Cluster CR

Netherrack CR

Yellow Dye CR1

Green Dye CR8

Mud CR 2

Bucket Of Lava CR

Deadbush SR
can use any sapling
Glowstone Dust CR

Dripstone SC

Dirt CR1