Vampires unable to take lethal damage [1.18.2]
thedeerirty opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I'm running a server with some mods, and for some reason vampires are unable to die from any source of damage, even ones they're supposed to die from. Vampire mobs die just fine, but players simply don't.
I'm thinking this might be a bug with Bewitchment, potentially? But also, I think could be a bug with this Revival mod
Somewhere I think I saw a comment or message on your modpage about a mod that has a somewhat similar effect; both of these mods leave you on half a heart when taking signifigant damage, the one I linked putting you in a reviving-esc down state. I'm thinking its the "leaving on half a heart" part of it that prevents a vampire player from seeing the death screen, and not going into a revive state either.
Can you think of a way to make these compatable here on my end? Or would you need to do some annoying/tedious tweaks of the mod itself to make them compatible.