- 0
Smite enchantment isn't better at higher levels
#95 opened by williambl - 0
Kick and error when I die (In Multiplayer server)
#97 opened by serioos - 1
Game Crash
#91 opened by CoreNovaPlays - 0
'Potential for Power' and 'Bring Me Blood!' are given too early
#93 opened by williambl - 2
minecraft crashes if using the ritual table
#98 opened by KlaraChaos - 0
Ticking entity with TerraMine
#154 opened by Zarvera - 0
[SUGGESTION] Compat with Origins-Umbrellas and EnvrionmentalArmor
#155 opened by HellXFraud - 0
Invalid Player Data upon launching world
#156 opened by HelixMF - 2
Minecraft Crashed 'cause failed injection check
#101 opened by twinkle365twink - 1
Game crashes after a few minutes of gameplay
#102 opened by princep444 - 3
Compatibility With Bewitchment
#100 opened by ArcusMG - 1
Configurability of Loot Tables
#104 opened by Kisk304 - 0
REI GUI crash with Haema GUI | 1.18.1
#103 opened - 2
Frozen upon 'fake' death
#106 opened by 1Mercenary - 4
Haema x Bewitchment Conflict
#107 opened by SHXRKIEgg - 0
Nightvision issue with TrueDarkness mod
#108 opened by Kuyuna - 5
Blood being filled more than halfway breaks sounds in base game and with other mods
#109 opened by princep444 - 1
Way too many vampire hunters spawn
#111 opened by WanderingCat27 - 0
Lose blood when in spectator
#112 opened by WanderingCat27 - 2
Update Cardinal Components
#113 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
Lack of rebindable drink action creates compatability issues
#114 opened by Prowler1000 - 1
Simply make blood injectors stackable
#115 opened by NyanMaths - 0
Some mobs don't have blood
#116 opened by sylenthuntress - 3
Vampires are unable to respawn
#117 opened by Alkiasan - 3
Blackstone Altar Issue
#118 opened by KiwiParis - 3
Mixin errors on 1.18.2
#119 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
Allow vampires to drink blood from other sources
#122 opened by OuroborosBoy - 1
Humans can use Vampire Dash in creative mode
#121 opened by OuroborosBoy - 3
I am unable to launch the game as it says this is for version 1.18.1 but I am using the 1.18.2 version.
#124 opened by Skullkrushar2nd - 1
Unusual crash possibly tied here along with Rats and Fabric Anvils
#125 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Crash upon spectating Mob
#126 opened by Scotsguy - 1
Lunadedogs Canera
#127 opened by Thingw31 - 1
Error with rats of mischief hoping for solution
#128 opened by Aike-P - 0
Vampiric Zombies
#131 opened by ImagineWagons115 - 1
Vampiric Zombies
#132 opened by ImagineWagons115 - 0
Vampires unable to take lethal damage [1.18.2]
#133 opened by thedeerirty - 2
Cursemaven not able to get Rat's Mischief from Curseforge
#134 opened by Luansr01 - 1
[SUGGESTION] Compat with dehydration mod
#135 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
Sync mod incompatiblity
#136 opened by DanMeadWasTaken - 0
Some advancements don't use translations
#141 opened by williambl - 0
Inconsistency when used alongside Bewitchment
#143 opened by kristibektashi - 1
Crash with error code 255 in fabric
#144 opened by kazmath - 2
Unable to start mod, missing requirement that cannot be found.
#146 opened by Vozziie - 0
Integration with Gravity API
#147 opened by Defetyre - 0
Can't feed from mod mobs and fall damage on server
#145 opened by heitorlbs - 0
[Suggestion] Water walking ability and means to get small amount of blood from raw meats
#148 opened by Gronglegrowth - 0
Add origin power or effect that gives immunity to vampires drinking your blood
#149 opened by kenbaird13 - 0
possible compatibility issue with MCDOOM mod
#151 opened by hanabananana67 - 0
1.20.1 release?
#152 opened by ryleu - 0
Compatibility with Besmirchment 2
#153 opened by ErnestNoga