


Haema Immortality Death Glitch

DarkBlizard opened this issue ยท 3 comments


So I was having a problem with the immortality as a vampire in Haema. When "killed" by a source that would normally not kill a vampire (such as a zombie) while on 0 blood, you get stuck in place jittering. You can look around and interact with the world but it looks like you died to other players and you can't move. This link is to a google sheet that lists all the mods the server has (including Haema).



So I want to update this, if the amount of damage dealt is high enough even if you have blood this glitch is possible. So lets say you were hit by a iron sword while you were at half a heart and some blood left, it would just drain blood. But then if you got hit by a sharpness 5 netherite sword you'd get stuck in the glitch.


Is this still an issue in 1.7?


I am unsure if it is still a problem as I haven't played with the mod for a while now.