![Harvest Festival](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/50/990/256/256/636098088923181921.png)
- 3
Blueprints disapeared from Carpenters Shop
#125 opened by Remyrios - 1
A few Questions...
#126 opened by jelaw21 - 2
Carpenter won't spawn
#127 opened by Battleship2424 - 1
Share progress between players
#128 opened by zmbush - 2
Animal particles, crop growing, and disappearing item bugs
#129 opened by LoganReadinger - 0
feature that conflicts with SetyCz's chickens mod
#130 opened by Player505 - 2
Weather effects out of sync with season displayed in HF calendar HUD
#134 opened by PorkchopFu - 6
[Suggestion] Right click building sign to teleport or spawn in missing npc
#131 opened by Rozzers - 1
Crash related to Iron Chests(?)
#132 opened - 3
- 2
mod cash
#135 opened by marcoasfonseca - 3
[Issue] Buildings can't be built
#136 opened - 1
Request Config for Seasons not being required.
#137 opened by Malus-Lupo - 2
German translation
#138 opened by ShuzzDE - 1
Open time on signs
#140 opened by jamzam90 - 1
Lag spikes when watering
#141 opened by jamzam90 - 1
Fishing hut blueprint
#142 opened by jamzam90 - 4
Bed Exploit - Server griefing
#143 opened by Yorkforce - 2
Harvest Festival 0.5.25 mod translation into Brazilian Portuguese
#145 opened by Brittahplay - 3
Ticks per Day not working at all well
#144 opened by Zygus42 - 2
Cooking Festival Issues
#151 opened by Elvarion - 3
Harvest Festival 0.6.0 doesn´t work with other mods for me.
#148 opened by JennjiTV - 6
Blacksmith multiple user requests
#149 opened by Aiidoneus - 7
Harvest Goddess has no text?
#150 opened by HermitMandy - 1
Blueprints do not function and Crash the game by talking to Yulif.
#152 opened by halet707 - 1
Crops stop growing randomly in Season
#153 opened by Xeven-Shimizu - 1
Canteen is being replaced with Water Bottle
#154 opened by JamesPierce82 - 2
Buildings not recognized after leaving world
#155 opened by Scorpinox - 4
[suggestion] a stand-by mode for the mod
#156 opened by Alessandro404 - 1
Interaction Issue With Progression Mod
#158 opened by Slither88 - 1
incompatibility with simpleDimensions
#157 opened by Alessandro404 - 0
Client side Crash on Server
#160 opened by Devoev - 0
Blizzard/snow visual glitches when render distance set to 6 chunks or less
#161 opened by JamesPierce82 - 7
1000 Item Shipped Achievements not activating
#162 opened by Scorpinox - 1
Chicken Festival
#163 opened by Scorpinox - 5
Sleep doesent refill Hunger, if Morpheus is installed on the Server
#159 opened by feuerball11 - 0
Sheep feeding question
#164 opened by jeridan - 1
How do you go mining?
#165 opened by PrinceOfIonia - 5
Mine levels
#166 opened by jeridan - 2
[Suggestion] regarding tools
#168 opened by Andvee - 1
'The game crashed whilst initializing game'
#167 opened by DrSquidMD - 1
Basket Controls
#169 opened by Yulife - 4
comunial pot
#170 opened by goldengamer1314 - 1
Crash when trying to plant on BOP dirt
#173 opened by DcNdrew - 0
Dupe Glitch - Mine Portal HF0.6
#174 opened by Slither88 - 1
#171 opened by goldengamer1314 - 1
Issue with Harvest Festival priest
#172 opened by Phizzhead - 1
Certain mods being present causes all shops to be closed at all times.
#175 opened by BionicFelps - 2
[Question] This is about the CraftTweaker integration for integrating crops
#176 opened by GazbonicAcid - 4
Yulif not working if not within 5 block range
#177 opened by Boordfles