Hbm's Nuclear Tech - Extended Edition

Hbm's Nuclear Tech - Extended Edition


Small render issue with power armor chestplates

DNIWE041 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Small render issue with power armors - armor not following hand when you punch. With tool \ without tools - doesn't matter.
Affected armor:

  1. Steel ranger armor (for example on screenshot).
  2. AJR Power armor
  3. HEV Mark IV
  4. Remnants power armor
  5. Lunar Cybernetics power armor (also winged chestplate)
  6. Fau power armor

DNT Nano suit just don't have punch animation.

I think it's an old bug because i seen this in old Drillgon mod versions.

t45 power armor looks fine.



Just fixed that bug for all those armors. It will be in the next update.