Hbm's Nuclear Tech - Extended Edition

Hbm's Nuclear Tech - Extended Edition


Controling old turrets and replacing to new ones cause crash

IqwqI1604 opened this issue · 3 comments


The bug is easy to repeat.

Version of the mod: 1.9.0

All you need to do is:

  1. place old turret
  2. conect it to a turret controller
  3. break old turret and plaсe new (orange one) on the same spot
  4. try to control it

Result: it works (sort of) but in a few seconds game just crashes.

Here's a debug log if I'm correct:

the start of the world
line - 1191

start of bug repeat
line - 19605

link of old turret
line - 19613

And it stops
line - 19614

This bug is also in the original hbm 1.7.10
I wouldn't write bug-report if the old turrets didn't have a craft, but it have a craft and those who run a server with hbm may have problems with this bug.


ye just dont do that


Small update on the bug:
[1.9.5 II]

  • the crash only client side. (player ticking issue)
  • works much longer in new versions (5 sec vs 1 min)

The bug is minor no need to fix it. Better fix the generation issue.

