I don't own the Texture of the Crying Obsidian.
I wanted to create a big Mod, but at the moment there are only a few things and this builds are more for testing and debug information.
At the moment these Mod add:
In Tab Holy
-Holy Dust (only in Creative Mode available)
-Holy Stick (only in Creative Mode available)
-Bluesilver Ore --- Generates in your world (y<24)
-Bluesilver Nugget --- you get 3 of them from the Bluesilver Ore if you smelt it
-Bluesilver Ingot --- made of 9 Bluesilver Nuggets
- Holy Log --- explodes if you step on it (only in Creative Mode available)
-Holy Block --- gives you Regeneration 3 for 1 minute if you punch it!
-Holy Planks (only in Creative Mode available)
-Holy Leaves (only in Creative Mode available)
-Bluesilver Block --- made of 9 Bluesilver Ingots
In Tab Holy Tools
-Holy Sword --- better than Bluesilver; +52 Attack Damage; 1.6 Attack Speed
-Holy Pickaxe --- better than Bluesilver; +50 Attack Damage; 1.2 Attack Speed --- I'm working on an other texture
-Bluesilver Pickaxe --- better than diamond; +30 Attack Damage; 1.2 Attack Speed
-Bluesilver Sword --- better than diamond; + 33 Attack Damage; 1.6 Attack Speed
-Bluesilver Shovel --- better than diamond; + 31.5 Attack Damage; 1 Attack Speed
-Bluesilver Hoe --- better than diamond; + 1 Attack Damage; 30 Attack Speed
-Bluesilver Axe --- better than diamond; + 35 Attack Damage; 1 Attack Speed
-Holy Shovel --- better than Bluesilver; + 50,5 Attack Damage; 1 Attack Speed
-Holy Hoe --- better than Bluesilver; + 1 Attack Damage; 49 Attack Speed
In Tab Unholy
-Holy Dust? (only in Creative Mode available)
-Crying Obsidian --- made of 1 Obsidian and 3 Water Buckets
-Deamon Flesh --- heals 4 full Hunger Points; gives you hunger 2 for 30 seconds (only in Creativ Mode available) --- I#m working on an other texture
-Deamonsteel Ore --- Generates in the world (y<24) rarer than diamond
-Deamonsteel Nugget --- get one from one ore
-Deamonsteel Ingot --- made of 9 Deamonsteel Nuggets
-Block of Deamonsteel --- made of 9 deamonsteel Ingots
-Unholy Stick --- used for Crafting
-Holy Dust? - Ore --- it explodes often if you harvest it; if you harvest it you can gain Speed 2 for 30 seconds (only in Creative Mode)
In Unholy Tools
-Deamon Sword --- better than Bluesilver; +55 Attack Damage; 1,6 Attack Speed
-Deamon Axe --- better than Bluesilver; +57 Attack Damage; 1 Attack Speed
-Deamon Crowbeak --- can be used as a hoe; better than Bluesilver; +106 Attack Damage; 0,5 Attack Speed
-Blaze and Deamonsteel --- use like Flint and Steel but it creates Dark Fire
-Deamon Speer --- can be used like a Shovel; better than Bluesilver; +53,5 Attack Damage; 1 Attack Speed
At Building Blocks
At Transportation
-Jump Staff --- on Right-Clicking you jump even if you are in air, shortly before you hit the Ground you have to Right-Click ore you gain Fall- Damage
At Miscellaneous
-Nether Pearl --- right click to change into the Nether if you are in an other Dimension, if you are in the Nether you change to the Overworld WARNING! if you don't have a Nether Portal in the Nether Minecraft stucks if you use it!
-End Pearl --- right click to change into the End if you are in an other Dimension, if you are in the End you change to the Overworld
A new Holy Biome! (isn't special at the moment)
The Ash World Biome!
For Crafting Recipes please look at the images!
WARNING! if you install these mod at an 1.10.x Server the Server will crash! (Version 1.9.4 don't crash)