Heavy Armor

Heavy Armor


This mod adds the heavy armor from ChocolateQuest. This armor has higher defense and toughness than normal armor, and some knockback resistance, but slows you down and weakens your jump height.

This mod also includes Fortress Armor, an even heavier version of heavy armor with exaggerated effects (original to this mod, not included in ChocolateQuest).

All armor values are configurable, however the jump height, knockback resistance, and speed multipliers are set for now.

Both sets come in Iron and Steel.

Recipes are NOT included. Use CraftTweaker to add your own recipes!

Heavy Armor Stats:

Defense: +1 more than normal armor (Example: Iron Helmet normally has +2, so Heavy Iron Helmet has +3)

Toughness: +4 (iron), +5 (steel)

Jump Height: -5%

Move Speed: -5%

Knockback Resistance: +10%

Fortress Armor Stats:

Defense: +2 more than normal armor (Iron Helmet normally has +2, so Fortress Iron Helmet has +4)

Toughness: +9 (iron), +10 (steel)

Jump Height: -10%

Move Speed: -10%

Knockback Resistance: +20%

Recommended Pair Mods:

Chocolate Quest Repoured - Contains the original heavy armors, and a diamond version. Compatibility ensures that CQR's version of Heavy Iron Armor is the one registered in game, not the one from this mod.

Shrug It Off - Put all that toughness to good use. You really feel like a Fortress when skeleton arrows just bounce off.

CraftTweaker - You need this mod to add crafting recipes for the items.

FutureMC - Adds a Smithing Table with CraftTweaker support, so that you can make your own smithing table recipes (I recommend adding an ingot to the normal armor to get the heavy variant, and another ingot to the heavy variant to get Fortress).


All code and assets are based on ChocolateQuest Repoured, with permission from DerToaster.

Code: Tiviacz, Meldexun, DerToaster

Assets: Silentine

Big thanks to the ChocolateQuest Repoured team for keeping Minecraft's best mod alive, and for allowing me to expand on it in my own tiny way.