Hermaeus Mora Mod

Hermaeus Mora Mod



 This mod is based in The Elder Scrolls games adding 3 Daedras (Hermaeus Mora, Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon) and a divine called Stendarr, etc...


-1.12.2: (Rarely updated)


-In this moment the Oghma Infinium have all but the effects doesn't works...

-Apocrypha is wip too but you can go to that dimension...

-Hermeaus Mora (Secret Form) it's a black fog with an eye.

-Black Books (In this moment exist only one...) (If you read it the book will teleport you into Apocrypha).

-Pillar of Apocrypha is only a pilar for decoration.

-Stone of Apocrypha is the stone of the dimension.

-Apocrypha water is toxic and it will kill you (if you are for a long time stand).
-And more things will come later.


-Added Molag Bal mob (boss).

-Fixed Black book now you can go to the dimension AND come back to the overworld.

-Added some new recipes.

-Added new ore called ebony (lingot, pure, ore and block).

-New achievements.

-New item called Blood and Rotten blood.

-New dimension called Coldharbour (not accessible).

-New dimension called Oblivion (Dagon) (not accessible).

-Added Seeker.

-New 2 ores (ebony and quicksilver).

-Added Mace of Molag Bal.

-Added Sword of the Blades (broken and completed/repaired).

-Added structures (Oblivion gate, Battlefield of the Blades (3), Shrine of Molag Bal, Shrine of Hermaeus Mora and Plataform of the Oghma Infinium (Apocrypha).

-Added recipes.

-Roles from the Oghma Infinium (Mage, Warrior and Thief).

-Blessings (Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora).

-Sigil Stone (off and on).

-Added Pick of Oblivion (Spawns near the Gate).


-More tabs for the creative mode.

-Added Mehrunes Dagon (boss).

-Added Dremora.

-Added Tower of Oblivion.

-Molag Bal fight in his dimension after be a Vigilant of Stendarr.

-Added Shrine of Stendarr.

-Bless of Stendarr.

-Changed the name of the Black Book (Chapter ?) to Black Book (Chapter I).

-Added Black Book (Chapter II),(Chapter III) and (Chapter IV).

-Added Dragon priest masks! (with Miraak and Konahrik)

-Blades Armor added (with recipes).

-Daedric Armor added (with recipes).

-Daedric Sword added.

-Miraak's Sword added.

-New dungeons in Apocrypha.

-Shrines (3) craftable.

-New biome (Solstheim) added.

-House of Neloth added.

-Dark elf village added.

-Dark elf added.

-Neloth added (with him you can buy the Black Book Chapter IV).

-Spawns for the dimension of Apocrypha and Coldharbour added.

-The structure of the First Black Book, the house of Neloth and the dark elf village are generated in Solstheim.



-Bug fixes.

-Added textures of background  for advancements.

-Added Hermaeus Mora like a Boss

-Added other way to fight with Dagon (passing the portal (on) with the stendarr staff in the inventory)


-Bug fixes. 

-Added and changed recipes!

-Added Cup of gold (with water) and Cup of gold (with Apocrypha water).


-Bug fixes
-Added infinite uses for the Mace of Molag Bal
-Fix block dimensions (Pilar of Apocrypha and Pick of Oblivion)
-Changed texture names of Dremora, Dagon and Molag Bal
-Changed Oblivion Gates structure
-Fixed Dagon loot (Sigil Stone (on))
-The Molag Bal Trap now is more effective (you can't jump but you can deactivate it)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :D!


-Bug fixes
-Bug fix Strange Houses (structures) were levitating in the air
-Changed Dremora and Blades armor
-Changed some textures

v4.0 (Anniversary Edition): 100%

-Bug fixes. 100%
-Added Neloth elevator and structure changes. 100%
-Nerfed bosses speed and health. 100%
-ADDED ANIMATIONS FOR BOSSES! (except Hermaeus Mora) 100%
-Dark Elf 3D nose and ears. 100%
-Added Fog for Deadlands (Dagon's realm) 100%
-Added Dwarven spider model 100%
-Added Nirnroot plant and item 100% (creative or chest loot only)
-Added Crimson Nirnroot (creative or chest loot only)
-Added Nirnroot sound (i really hate the sound i think that this can be used to troll xd) 100%
-Changed some textures resolution (more vanilla like) 100%


-1.14.4: (Discontinued)


-Total port of the mod to this version.

-Added infinite uses for the Mace of Molag Bal.


-Total port of the updated 1.12.2 version to this version.

-Added Oblivion Gates under water (3 structure variations)

-Fixed Apocrypha spawn (structure)

-Added "waterlogging" for some blocks.


-1.15.2: (Discontinued)


-Total port of the mod for this version.


-Total port of the updated 1.14.4 version to this version.


-1.16.5: (Active)


-Total port of the updated 1.15.2 version to this version.
-Bug fixes.


-Added all the new things and changes from 1.12.2 and 1.17.1.

-Bug fixes

-Changed Neloth's House Structure with the new one.

(probably last version)

v3.0 (Anniversary Edition): 100%

-Bug fixes. 100%
-Added Neloth elevator and structure changes. 100%
-Nerfed bosses speed and health. 100%
-ADDED ANIMATIONS FOR BOSSES! (except Hermaeus Mora) 100%
-Dark Elf 3D nose and ears. 100%
-Added dust in Solstheim biome. 100%
-Added Fog for Deadlands (Dagon's realm) 100%
-Added Dwarven spider model.  100%
-Changed dwarven block textures 100%
-Added Nirnroot plant and item 100%
-Added variant of Nirnroot (Crimson Nirnroot spawns in caves) 100%
-Added Nirnroot sound (i really hate the sound i think that this can be used to troll xd) 100%
-Updated structures (dark elf village, dwemer dungeon and neloth house) 100%
-Changed some textures resolution (more vanilla like) 100%

v3.5: 100%

-Bug fixes. 100%


 -1.17.1: (Discontinued)


-Total port of the updated 1.16.5 version to this version.
-Bug fixes.
-Added all the new things from 1.12.2.
-Changed some structures (battlefield)
-Changed Neloth House water elevator to levitation thing (new blocks)
-Added Creative Only Elevator Block (up) and Elevator Block Wood (down)
-Bug Apocrypha Spawner
-Bug Coldharbour Spawner


 -1.18.2: (Active)


-Total port of the updated 1.17.1 version to this version.
-Updated Dead Lands (Dagon dimension) (now has lava oceans, lakes, fossils, etc)
-Bug fixes.


-Bug fixes.

-Added Dremora Variation (full armor) (drops armor and sword but is really hard)

-Fixed AI of Dremora.

-Changed toughness and protection of daedric armor and blades armor.

v2 (Anniversary Edition): 100%

-Bug fixes. 100%
-Bug fix about Solstheim biome generation. 100%
-Nerfed bosses speed and health. 100%
-ADDED ANIMATIONS FOR BOSSES! (except Hermaeus Mora) 100%
-Dark Elf 3D nose and ears. 100%
-Added dust in Solstheim biome. 100%
-Added Fog for Deadlands (Dagon's realm) 100%
-Added Dwarven spider model 100%
-Changed dwarven block textures 100%
-Added Nirnroot plant and item 100%
-Added variant of Nirnroot (Crimson Nirnroot spawns in caves) 100%
-Added Nirnroot sound (i really hate the sound i think that this can be used to troll xd) 100% 

-Updated structures (dark elf village, dwemer dungeon and neloth house) 100%
-Changed some textures resolution (more vanilla like) 100%
-Added variants of ebony ore and quicksilver in deepslate. 100%
-Bug fix after going to coldharbour the "spawn strcuture" and Molag Bal doesn't spawn 100%


This mod can be used in any modpack

Thx for all the support and downloads! Enjoy the Anniversary Edition (3 years omg) :D!


Wiki page (work in progress):




Creator: AgustinJ879