


Highlighter currently performs two functions. Theese functions are:

Glowing nearby mobs

Mobs in a configurable range can be set to have all shading removed.
This setting is configurable in three different categories and 5 types.
* Hostile - implements IMob - will not get all hostiles...
* Non-Hostile - does not impliment IMob - will include some mod hostiles.
* Player - extends EntityPlayer

* never - never glow
* always - always glow
* dark - glow in the dark
* underwater - glows underwater (it gets really hard to see things deep underwater)
* dark_underwater - glows in the dark or underwater
Comparison screenshots above
Out of FOV warning system
Warnings for when nearby mobs are out of your FOV
You will be warned of 1-5(Configurable) nearby mobs that are out of your FOV in two modes.
* Show models
Showing models can help you by displaying if a creper is charged, mob armor, bow draw etc...
* Hide models
Not as helpful as Show models, but smaller.

Screenshots above.

This mod uses a forge config gui.


  • Projectile warning system

  • Warning of mobs who are targeting you

  • Better config