This mod won't make much sense to you. This mod is honestly crazy...
Mod includes
Hzukaz (Player looking entity)
elapu (Player looking entity)
Micah (Player looking entity)
Penguin (Little guy that wont be happy if you hurt him)
Obama (The former president of United States, Barack Obama comes to Minecraft to kill you)
Funny Dance (Some odd white creature that makes salmon noises)
Living Turd (Gross 3 pixel thing that spawns randomly that drops some cocoa beans)
Living Boat (You better take back the times you broke a boat back in 1.8)
Sissy Broth (drops from Hzukaz)
Cheese Ball (drops from elapu)
Obanium (drops from Micah and Obama)
Penguin Beak (Is ammo for item below, drops from penguins)
Beak on a Stick (A gun that shoots Penguin Beaks at a rapid speed, is crafted with a Penguin Beak and 1 Stick)
Important Message (A Discord message collectable from a user called Deletion, can be dropped from a Funny Dance)
Obama Beat Box (Creative only Music Disk)