adds cringe:
-Etherial diamonds
- fusion table
- adamantine furnace
-heck teleporter
- ultraforge
- skylands: endless sky
- heck: endless pain. adamantine here
- sky wraith: drops air artifact and sometimes atmospear
- flame boss: (yet to be named) drops fire artifact and sometimes flamegun
- waterboss: (also yet to be named) drops water artifact and sometimes the orikatana
- golem: drops earth artifact and sometimes mace
- atmospear: nothing special yet, just damage
-orikatana: right click for resistance
- dylan chestplate: nothing special yet, just pretty cool
- flamegun: sets mobs on fire and explodes on impact
- mace: right click for powerful explosion
- water artifact: gives water breathing
- earth artifact: resistance
- fire artifact: fire resistance
- air artifact: pretty much the flint and steel for the skylands
-tensword: (should be renamed to the power of 10) cool looking, and most powerful obtainable item in the mod
-creative sword: not even fun: zippity zore the mobs are no more
-Hot cheetos: fire res for a short time. Pair with mending for unlimited cheetos