Hopper X-Treme

Hopper X-Treme

Content as of 2.1.0

Content as of 2.1.0

Huppers, multi-hoppers, and multi-huppers!


Hopper filter page in Patchouli guide
Filtered hoppers

Filtered hoppers

Glazed hopper distance comparison

Glazed hopper distance comparison

Each tier of glazed hopper ejects items at a different velocity. This is from 5 blocks above the ground.
Glazed multi-hopper at work

Glazed multi-hopper at work

Glazed netherite multi-hopper spitting items in all directions!
Etho Honeyed Hopper Clock

Etho Honeyed Hopper Clock

The easiest clock you'll ever make!
Honeyed Hopper Recipe

Honeyed Hopper Recipe

All the hoppers

All the hoppers

As of 1.0.0
Copper Hopper Recipe

Copper Hopper Recipe

Recipe changed in 1.21
Diamond Hopper Recipe

Diamond Hopper Recipe

Recipe changed in 1.21
Netherite Hopper Recipe

Netherite Hopper Recipe

Recipe changed in 1.21
Golden Hopper Recipe

Golden Hopper Recipe

Recipe changed in 1.21
VanillaTweaks compatibility

VanillaTweaks compatibility

*Requires separate resource pack