Hybrid Flowers

Hybrid Flowers


When bees pollinate flowers, seeds are produced. Plant those seeds in tilled soil to grow new hybrid flowers.


Flowers cross with nearby flowers of the same type; the more nearby flowers, the more seeds you get. Seeds have a chance of being a new color, but you'll have to plant them to find out. Crosses between two different colors are generally more likely to give a new color than crossing two of the same color. Not all combinations can produce differently colored children. Hybrid flowers do not generate naturally; you'll have to breed for them.


Check out the optional texture pack for bushier flowers!



Flowers will breed with a randomly chosen flower of the same variety within a 5 block radius of the pollinated flower. This can include the same flower that was pollinated (crossing with itself). If there are 8 or more valid flowers within the radius, 2 seeds will be produced, and if there are 16 or more valid flowers, 3 seeds will be produced instead. Each seed will be randomly chosen from a weighted list of possible results. If there is more than one seed produced, each seed will be chosen independently.


Only normally planted flowers (e.g. on dirt or grass) can be pollinated, but they can cross with nearby potted flowers and fully grown flower crops. Flower crops do not drop seeds when fully grown, just the flower. Seeds of different colors do not stack.


You can craft poppyseed bagels with 2 wheat and 1 poppyseed. They give 5 nutrition and around 7 saturation. You can craft poppyseed muffins with 2 wheat, 1 egg, 1 sugar, and 1 poppyseed. They give 6 nutrition and around 10 saturation. Both are shapeless recipes.



Using the Create mod? I made some crushing/grinding recipes for the custom flowers available on Github. Just install Create Tweaker and copy the .zs files to your "scripts" folder.



Q: Why don't all the flowers come in every color?

A: They're based off actual colors for those flowers that exist in real life.


Q: Can I use your...

A: Yes. The mod is open source, do whatever you want. If you make something cool, be sure to let me know :)


Q: Ports?

A: Fabric? No, but you can do it yourself if you want. Earlier versions of Forge? No. Later versions of Forge? Eventually.


-Thank you for checking out my mod. I hope you enjoy it!-