- Mangrove Log
- Mangrove Wood
- Stripped Mangrove Log
- Stripped Mangrove Wood
- Mangrove Planks
- Mangrove Slab
- Mangrove Stairs
- Mangrove Fence
- Mangrove Fence Gate
- Mangrove Pressure Plate
- Mangrove Button
- Mangrove Door
- Mangrove Trapdoor
- Mangrove Roots (Waterloggable)
- Mangrove Propagule (Can Grow in the Water)
- Mangrove Leaves
- Muddy Mangrove Roots
- Mud (Mangrove Swamp Ground Main Block)
- Mud Bricks
- Packed Mud
- Mud Bricks Slab
- Mud Bricks Stairs
- Mud Bricks Wall
- Sculk (Animated Texture)
- Sculk Vein (Animated Texture)
- Sculk Catalyst (Currently inactive)
- Ochre Froglight
- Pearlescent Froglight
- Verdant Froglight
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Disc Fragment
- Music Disc - 5
- Echo Shard
- One Type of Goat Horn
- Illusioner Spawn Egg
- Wither Spawn Egg
- Ender Dragon Spawn Egg
- Iron Golem Spawn Egg
- Snow Golem Spawn Egg
- Giant Spawn Egg
- Spawner Minecart
- Mangrove Sign (X)
- Mangrove Boat (X)
- Frogspawn
♦ If Goat Horn is used, it has a cooldown of 200 ticks (10 seconds).
♦ Since froglights are not naturally obtainable, I added a creating system that it doesn't break the game.
♦ Mangrove Woods can be stripped neatly.
♦ Mangrove Propagules are not like in vanilla. It works like normal saplings but cannot be grown with bone meal.
♦ Mangrove Roots are waterloggable.
♦ Sculk Catalyst is are not like in vanilla. Currently inactive.
♦ Sculk Vein and Sculk are have animate texture.
♦ Sculk is occurs naturally.
♦ The Echo Shard and Disc Fragment are naturally found in Stronghold loot chests.
♦ Music Disc - 5 works just like vanilla.
♦ Reinforced Deepslate cannot be found and crafted naturally.
♦ Mud doesn't immerse living things a bit like in vanilla does.
♦ Muddy Mangrove Roots are naturally found in Mangrove Swamp.
♦ You get Mangrove Propagules by dropping them from Mangrove Leaves, unlike vanilla.
♦ Right-clicking on Dirt with a Water Bottle creates Mud.
♦ Caves & Cliffs Backport Mod is also required if you want to obtain the Goat Horns. Because it drops as loot from the Goat that comes with that mod.
NOTE: I have nothing to do with the mod maker I mentioned in the link. I just made it thinking that anyone who wants to have Mangrove Swamp needs to install the 1.18 mod first.
♦ I designed 7 types of Mangrove Trees. 3 big length, 4 medium length
♦ I will add the Deep Dark biome as soon as possible
They're all like vanilla, except for the froglights.
♦ You can place the items as in the photo and produce them when you put the right colors.
♦ Yellow Dye > Ochre Froglight
♦ Purple Dye > Pearlescent Froglight
♦ Lime Dye > Verdant Froglight
♦ English (U.S.) and English (U.K)
♦ Türkçe
♦ Aerie
♦ Firebugs
♦ Labyrinthine
Sounds are currently non-functional.