Ic2c Custom Soils

Ic2c Custom Soils


This adds the ability to add custom soils and farmlands to ic2c classic's crop system using json, specifically a file called customSoils.json.
Here's an example: 

"soils": blocks that go up to 3 blocks underneath the farmland
"blockName": "minecraft:stone", // the registry id of the block. if the block doesn't have an item form you can get the id by using crafttweaker and using the command ct blockinfo.
"blockMeta": 1, // meta of the block, if ommitted will default to 0. must be a vues between 0 and 15, can't be less then 0 or greater then 15.
"nutrientEffect": 2, // how many nutrients this soil adds to the crop, should be less then the amount added by a farmland with the same block if there is also a farmland with this block.
"humidityEffect": 1 // howmuch humidity this soil adds to the crop,should be less then the amount added by a farmland with the same block if there is also a farmland with this block.
"farmlands": // blocks crop sticks can be placed on.
"blockName": "minecraft:stone", // the registry id of the block. if the block doesn't have an item form you can get the id by using crafttweaker and using the command ct blockinfo.
"blockMeta": 1, // meta of the block, if ommitted will default to 0. must be a vues between 0 and 15, can't be less then 0 or greater then 15.
"nutrient": 3, // how many nutrients this farmland adds to the crop. can't be less then 0
"humidity": 2 // how much humidity this farmland adds to the crop.

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