- 4
Doing your mod anything related to fastutil?
#16 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 2
nothing happens
#15 opened by wackoamd1 - 4
Icarus Origin Gamebreaking On Servers
#14 opened by Aridastle - 8
Internal server error kicking player
#13 opened by Aaron995 - 2
Make a wing slot so you can wear wings and a cape at the same time
#12 opened by MoonSkul - 4
it doesnt work for me
#11 opened by lapis046 - 0
Add korean translation
#10 opened by gyular - 1
Support for 1.18.1?
#9 opened by the-unheard - 1
Minecraft Crashes
#8 opened by Ivan-Draws - 1
[Low priority suggestion] Some way for Icarae to choose cosmetic appearance of wings w/o using inventory slot/crafting full pair of wings
#7 opened by RocketBoss360 - 3
Additional Wing Type Suggestions
#6 opened by UmbralSurvivor - 4
Icarae is able to fly unrestricted
#5 opened by TheOdiumWitch - 18
More Origins Compatability
#4 opened by NixityNull - 4
some kind of error with inmis
#3 opened by ImUrX - 1
[Bug] Wings never break - Durability goes negative
#2 opened by elhertz - 7
Wings not interactable when in survival.
#1 opened by Zalycon