ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles

ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles


OpenComputers integration

Alainx277 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Seeing as Computercraft is not officially developed anymore, it seems wise to integrate the most up-to-date computer mod.
Here's a simple driver example, which allows access to the vanilla noteblock.
It would be really amazing to have a fully automated missile system.


Even though we do not officially support it, there is a 3rd party icbm-oc-addon now for 1.12 which should work for you:


It would indeed be nice to have, feel free to submit a pull request for it, if you got working code.


Support will need to be added as an addon rather than built into the mod directly. As I do not want to delete code each time we move MC versions and OC doesn't update fast enough to keep the support.