ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles

ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles


Mobs missing from pack

KPhoenixX opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I'm using the latest version of this modpack, and the mobs are entirely absent. I checked all the changelogs and there appears to be no mention whatsoever of their removal. Is this a bug? My server gave me a notice that there were missing entities from the world after updating this mod.


What mobs? And please send us the error log, and what was your old version?


If you are talking about mobs like monsters holding a rocket launcher, yeah we removed them ages ago.


maybe the rockets. they are entities not mobs.


Very old icbm versions had actual mobs. The @Br1c definitely needs to clarify that.


My bad. The creeper, skeleton, and zombie that use ICBM weapons


Those mobs were removed a while ago. I dont think there are plans to bring them back currently.


Oh they are coming back, just not as part of ICBM. I only added them as an XMAS event thing with no plan of keeping them in the mod forever. Before I hit my current break on modding the plan was to make it a mod by itself. This way people could selectively install the content.