ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles

ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles


Nuclear Explosives

patto101 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The crafting recipe for nuclear explosives provided by JEI will not work nor will other recipes


What icbm version are you using?
And make sure you have a mod installed which provides "ingotUranium" (via forge oredict), so IC2 would work for example.
(Only the nuclear explosives will be affected by this)
All other crafting recipes should work fine.


What icbm version are you using?
And make sure you have a mod installed which provides "ingotUranium" (via forge oredict), so IC2 would work for example.
(Only the nuclear explosives will be affected by this)
All other crafting recipes should work fine.

Will try now


Any updates on this?


Ill close this for now since there is no activity and because it does work from what we know. If you got any more input feel free to comment and i can re-open this ticket.