ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles

ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles


[1.7.10] Control Panel

ew38 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm using 1.7.10 build 2.16.4b3. When I place a T3 control panel, sometimes it works correctly but other times it turns into a T1 when I right click it and will repeatedly turn back into a T3 and back into a T1 repeatedly. This also causes the GUI to reset everytime and the extra options in the GUI for the T3 such as Lock Height will dissapear and reappear repeatedly also. Its super weird. I've also tried using build 2.16.2b205 from curseforge but that version gives me NoSuchMethodError upon placing the T3 control panel. Pastebin link is for the stack trace for the2b205 crash


Thanks guys


Unless kmecpp says otherwise, 1.7.10 is no longer updated by us.


You probably have the wrong VoltzEngine installed. Use 1.7.10-1.11.0b491


Thanks for the replies! I can confirm I'm already using VE 1.7.10-1.11.0b491.