Ihnvert's Ego Weapon Pack (Abandoned)

Ihnvert's Ego Weapon Pack (Abandoned)



- The models of Mimicry and Smile belong to Lazaru on Planet Minecraft. If you own these models and disapprove of their use, please contact via discord. Credit for the concepts seen in the mod goes to Project Moon.

The mod contains usable egos from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina. There are no longer just two and more will be added in the future.

Thank you everyone for downloading our mod (:

Current Ego Weapons:

Mimicry Scythe (Nothing There)

Right click to deal a small amount of armor penetrating damage and apply a special effect on your target. Hitting your target with the scythe after three of the effect has been applied deals damage equal to three-tenths of your target's hp after a small delay.

Smile (Mountain of Smiling Bodies) (Temporarily Removed) (Rework Incoming)

Right click to launch yourself in the air and look at the ground beneath you to do a powerful slam. Failing to look at the ground after being launched will cancel the move.

Wingbeat (Fairy Festival) (We tried with the model, ok?)

Hitting your target with Wingbeat applies one hunger effect to your character and restores one food. Right clicking with twelve stacks of hunger applies a special buff to your character for fifteen seconds. This allows you to apply blindness, restore one hp, and teleport around your target with every hit. Using another Wingbeat in your offhand gives you strength and speed. It's recommended that you craft two of the weapon for the buff in order to counteract its relatively low base damage.

Durandal (The Black Silence)

Right click to perform two dashes. Any target near you at the end of these dashes get slashed and take moderate damage.  Having less than half hp unlocks a third dash that does fifty percent more damage. The position of your camera effects the power of the dash. Looking forward with your camera gets you the most range

Blind Rage (Servant of Wrath)

Right click with the weapon in both hands to do a large three part AOE attack that applies two stacks of poison with every hit. The range of the AOE attack increases with each part (smallest range being the first and the largest being the third). Equipping two instances of the weapon gives you strength and resistance.

Justatia (Judgment Bird)

Right click with the weapon to get a special buff. While this special buff is active, your weapon will glow and the next enemy you hit will be judged. They will begin to float and if your hp is lesser to theirs they will take damage relative to your missing hp increased by seventy-five percent. An xp pickup noise will play to confirm if the skill lands, otherwise, they take one damage and the noise will not play. Opponent will float regardless of hp pool sizes on both sides.

Mod progress here
Discord here