Welcome to Ike's Bow/Crossbow Expansion!
This mod adds a few crossbows and a bow, along with a new game rule, a throwable object, a few advancements, and a fish to make more poison arrows!
Let's list them off, shall we?
-A Dead Fish
--Chance to fish up while fishing
---Eat and you WILL get lead poisoning
--Smelt to get a Lead Nugget
-Lead Nugget
--Craft 9 together for an ingot
--Surround a water bottle with 4 to craft polluted water
-Lead Ingot
--Brew into Polluted Water to create a bottle of Lead Poison
-Polluted Water
--Throw this to deal a small amount of damage to an enemy
--brews into Lead Poison
Lead Poison
-Greenish potion texture
-kind of combines Poison and Hunger, being a slower damager but also a faster hunger remover
--Create tipped arrows, splash potions, and lingering potions with this
-Fiery Blaze Rod
--Used to craft the next two items
--Also used to craft both fire-based crossbows
-Fiery Arrows
--Used by the Boiling Bow
-Boiling Bow
--Does a LOT of damage
--Uses Fiery Arrows
The Gamerule /eCrossbowNerf applies to most of the following crossbows
---This gamerule aims to allow people to still use these crossbows in normal gameplay without harming the environment.
------E.g. the powerful Ghastly Crossbow fireball will no longer destroy blocks, but will still deal damage.
-Explosive Crossbow Base
--Used to make 3 different Explosive Crossbows
Wither Crossbow
-Shoots several wither skulls
Dragon Crossbow
-Shoots 1-2 Dragon Fireballs
Little Arsonist's Crossbow
-Shoots a few fireballs
--Can be upgraded into two different crossbows
Arsonist's Crossbow
-Shots an explosive fireball and then some fiery small ones
Ghastly Crossbow
-Shoots just 1 really powerful explosive fireball
As always, feel free to leave any comment detailing a bug or a crash, or just something you enjoyed about this mod and I will try to respond to you. Enjoy!