- 2
Immersive Engineering Crash 1.16.5 after using waypoints
#5065 opened by DefaultUSERNAME9 - 0
[Suggestion] Pollution of the Realms integration 1.16
#5066 opened by Seth0067 - 1
[1.16.5] Silo crashes on item insert
#5067 opened by ephys - 2
[1.16.5] Workbench gui bug
#5068 opened by Gorbiel - 1
[1.16.5] Posts appearing weird after current update
#5069 opened by Aaron1248 - 1
Improve furnace heater behavior on insufficient power supplies
#5070 opened by malte0811 - 0
[1.16.5] Server crash after upgrading to IE 5.0.5
#5072 opened by Water-Moon - 1
[1.17.1 | #33] Waterwheels dummy BEs are ticking on client and server
#5031 opened by MalkContent - 1
[1.17.1 | #31] Engineer's Wire Cutters don't break Razor Wire
#5020 opened by MalkContent - 3
Error with Biomes You Go
#5019 opened by aAndrew3030 - 1
[Visual only][1.17.1 | #31] LV Wire leading to Razor Wire is invisible
#5021 opened by MalkContent - 1
The server crashed due to multiple blocks. Procedure
#5022 opened by Nqwq - 6
(suggestion) add diesel - powered minecarts for vanilla tracks and couplings similar to Create
#5023 opened by Fluffton - 2
Unable to use redstone connectors Forge Server 1.16.5
#5024 opened by Sublime204 - 4
Wire cutters dont work after 1 durability is taken (or one use)
#5025 opened by SethXB - 0
[1.17.1 | #33] [Audio only] Metal Press doesn't make sound anymore
#5027 opened by MalkContent - 1
[Suggestion] Put pipes being colorizable into the manual
#5028 opened by MalkContent - 1
[1.16.5] NoSuchMethodError in IE creative tab
#5026 opened by TwistedGate - 0
[1.17.1 | #33] Waterwheels that are placed the opposite way don't get recognized by the Kinetic Dynamo
#5030 opened by MalkContent - 2
[1.17.1 | #31] Outputting Redstone Connectors don't properly update the strong power sent into the block they're attached to
#5012 opened by MalkContent - 1
[Visual only][1.17.1 | #31] Plants inside cloche invisible under certain angles/conditions
#5013 opened by MalkContent - 1
[1.17 | #31] Crusher Comparator Output Always Either 0 or 1
#5014 opened by DeadlySwede - 1
[Visual only][1.17.1 | #31] Picking up already slotted circuits in the Logic Unit's inventory can leave behind ghost items
#5016 opened by MalkContent - 1
[Minor][1.17.1 | #31] Chutes open side to sloped conveyors
#5015 opened by MalkContent - 1
Sloped Conveyors not dyeing properly
#5017 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 3
Shield, Hammer, and Other items Can't be enchanted at anvil. (Weld Station?)
#5064 opened by HeavyDeception - 1
Crates disappearing with their contents when broken by non axe type tools (incompatability with Yanny's Stone Age)
#5061 opened by spunkiethefirst - 4
[1.16.5 Feature Request] Datapack driven fuel values
#5062 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
[1.16.5] Logic unit resets registers after cycling through logic circuits
#5063 opened by Rossander47 - 3
Engineer's Hammer - No craft after durability loss
#5033 opened by leonardostorrespro - 0
[1.16.5] Wires in Immersive Engineering are only tagged under subtags, not the main `forge:wires`
#5034 opened by KnightMiner - 2
[1.17.1 | 3a3e148] Change causes FluidRouters guis with Liquids in the filter to crash the game
#5036 opened by MalkContent - 1
[1.17.1 | #39] Client Crash Rendering Blueprint In Workbench
#5039 opened by DeadlySwede - 1
Durability of hammer goes to 99/100
#5040 opened by bowenje - 1
Engineer's wiRe cutters problem
#5041 opened by shaneyap99 - 1
Waterlog Garden Cloches
#5043 opened by Boolyman - 1
ticking block entity
#5042 opened by fireair - 0
[1.16.5, 5.0.4-139] Comparator doesn't output capacitor charge level
#5044 opened by ChrisIgel - 1
[1.16.5] Survey Tools not counted as tools in Engineers Toolbox
#5045 opened by IcedForge - 5
crashes on startup with mod Canals
#5046 opened by superdude808 - 0
[Suggestion] Color picker in the Item Batcher
#5047 opened by IcedForge - 0
[1.17.1] Missing tag "cluster_max_harvestables" on Steel Pickaxe
#5048 opened by BluSunrize - 1
Excavator Ticking Block Entity Crash
#5049 opened by SteelBaron - 2
server watchdog crash caused by extremely excessive ground items stuck on conveyor 1.16.5-5.0.3-138
#5050 opened by Aaronstar-McClure - 1
[1.16.5] Crash on teleport
#5051 opened by ianwijma - 15
Disappearing tool heads and addons
#5055 opened by Novtalath - 1
#5056 opened by yasiralamriki - 2
Hammer only works once when crafting copper ingots
#5057 opened by yasiralamriki - 2
Texture pack and Shaders Crash
#5058 opened by BlizzardXZ - 1
Villager Profession
#5060 opened by BobbyLinMC