Incompatible with pojavlauncher.
Foxxy-01 opened this issue ยท 18 comments
- Only the latest version is being supported. If you are using an outdated version, upgrade to the latest version.
- Insrall Pojavlauncher, Open Pojavlauncher, Install Fabric, Install this mod, observe that it just gets an infinite loop loading mojang screen when I check logs it says something about unsupported os and something about libzstd-jni-1.5.2-2
Can you post the full log?
I have put it on pastebin because it might be easier to read that way :D :D
It says Couldn't compile vertex program (Default, particle) : 0:21: L0002: Undeclared variable 'gl_ClipDistance'
. Are you using any resourcepack that override vanilla shaders?
Which resourcepack did you use?
A PolyMC (vanilla players join modded server)
Resource pack, but I deleted it
It says
Couldn't compile vertex program (Default, particle) : 0:21: L0002: Undeclared variable 'gl_ClipDistance'
. Are you using any resourcepack that override vanilla shaders?
I'll check
It says
Couldn't compile vertex program (Default, particle) : 0:21: L0002: Undeclared variable 'gl_ClipDistance'
. Are you using any resourcepack that override vanilla shaders?I'll check
Yea, well i dunno if it was overriding vanilla shaders but yea there was 1 resource pack in my resource pack folder, but when I deleted it, It still looped the mojang screen
Mods can also override vanilla shaders. Does this issue occur with only immptl and fabric api?
Mods can also override vanilla shaders. Does this issue occur with only immptl and fabric api?
I found that PojavLauncher means that you are running this mod on phone? It may not support the needed OpenGL feature so the shader cannot compile unfortunately. Someone said that he changed the OpenGL compatibility in pojavlauncher and worked.
I found that PojavLauncher means that you are running this mod on phone? It may not support the needed OpenGL feature so the shader cannot compile unfortunately. Someone said that he changed the OpenGL compatibility in pojavlauncher and worked.
What do you mean by changed the OpenGL compatibility? I have selected all rendering options, one of them loaded the game but when I go on a world it crashes
I found that PojavLauncher means that you are running this mod on phone? It may not support the needed OpenGL feature so the shader cannot compile unfortunately. Someone said that he changed the OpenGL compatibility in pojavlauncher and worked.
Should I send the crash report for the one that crashes upon loading a world?
The renderer that does not loop but crashes is virglrender but the issue with that is that it makes it quite laggy and if there is any other solution then I would gladly use it lol, also should I submit this bug report to pojavlauncher issue report thing too?
You can disable immptl's shader code transformation by disabling enableClippingMechanism
in /config/immersive_portals_fabric.json
You can disable immptl's shader code transformation by disabling
Oki thank you, btw what does that do?
You can disable immptl's shader code transformation by disabling
Uhhh so I did that but now the portals are black
Unfortunately this mod is not designed to work on phone. This issue probably cannot be easily fixed.