Immersive Portals

Immersive Portals



qaq163com opened this issue · 4 comments


According to your testing, does the issue occur with ONLY Immersive Portals mod and Farbic API?


Describe the issue

Describe the issue.

Post the log here

[08:19:09] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19 with Fabric Loader 0.14.8
[08:19:09] [main/INFO]: Loading 57 mods:
	- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 via cloth-config
	- cloth-config 7.0.72 via immersive_portals
	- fabric 0.57.0+1.19
	- fabric-api-base 0.4.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-biome-api-v1 9.0.14+b2a4a624a9 via fabric
	- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.6+f71b366fa9 via fabric
	- fabric-command-api-v2 2.1.2+0d55f585a9 via fabric
	- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.23+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.27+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-content-registries-v0 3.2.0+07df213ea9 via fabric
	- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.0.8+37622d24a9 via fabric
	- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.3+bd0a0d4aa9 via fabric
	- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.1.1+a680b9b4a9 via fabric
	- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.28+a6d2f785a9 via fabric
	- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.4.16+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.26+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.25+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.19+18990361a9 via fabric
	- fabric-item-api-v1 1.5.4+767db26ea9 via fabric
	- fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.25+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.16+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.1.0+33fbc738a9 via fabric
	- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.0+03a4e568a9 via fabric
	- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.3+9e7660c6a9 via fabric
	- fabric-message-api-v1 1.0.1+513f4a59a9 via fabric
	- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.10+33fbc738a9 via fabric
	- fabric-models-v0 0.3.15+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.0.27+7fe97409a9 via fabric
	- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.14+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.0.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-particles-v1 1.0.8+dc39553aa9 via fabric
	- fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.17+23c4cfefa9 via fabric
	- fabric-renderer-api-v1 1.0.8+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-renderer-indigo 0.6.9+1f92344ea9 via fabric
	- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.18+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.12+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.5+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.20+df3654b3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-rendering-v1 1.10.14+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.5.5+a6d2f785a9 via fabric
	- fabric-screen-api-v1 1.0.24+f05effafa9 via fabric
	- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.2.6+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-textures-v0 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
	- fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
	- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.1.1+9e7660c6a9 via fabric
	- fabricloader 0.14.8
	- imm_ptl_core 2.0.4 via immersive_portals
	- immersive_portals 2.0.4
	- java 17
	- kanos_config 0.3.1+1.14.4-1.19 via pehkui
	- minecraft 1.19
	- pehkui 3.3.3+1.14.4-1.19.1
	- q_misc_util 2.0.4 via immersive_portals
[08:19:10] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/Administrator/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
[08:19:10] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
[08:19:10] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[08:19:12] [main/WARN]: Configuration conflict: there is more than one file on the classpath
[08:19:12] [main/WARN]: Configuration conflict: there is more than one file on the classpath
[08:19:17] [main/INFO]: Building optimized datafixer
[08:19:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[08:19:25] [Render thread/ERROR]: Failed to verify authentication
com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException: Status: 401
	at com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException.toAuthenticationException( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.<init>( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService.createUserApiService( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_310.method_31382( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_310.<init>( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
	at [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
Caused by: com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException: Status: 401
	at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.readInputStream( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.get( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
	... 8 more
[08:19:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: qq163com
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Immersive Portals config
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: IP Config Applied
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Immersive Portals Mod Initializing
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Dimensional Threading is not present
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Pehkui is present
[08:19:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Gravity API is not present
[08:19:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Registering Indigo renderer!
[08:19:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Compatibility mode enabled.
[08:19:28] [Render thread/INFO]: Sodium is not present
[08:19:28] [Render thread/INFO]: Iris is not present
[08:19:28] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT
[08:19:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:19:34] [Worker-Main-8/ERROR]: Failed to retrieve profile key pair Could not retrieve profile key pair
	at net.minecraft.class_7434.method_43605( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_7434.method_44291( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.exec( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( [?:?]
	at [?:?]
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Cloth Config v6, Fabric API, Fabric API Base, Fabric API Lookup API (v1), Fabric Biome API (v1), Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Fabric Command API (v1), Fabric Command API (v2), Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Convention Tags, Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fabric Data Generation API (v1), Fabric Dimensions API (v1), Fabric Entity Events (v1), Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Fabric Item API (v1), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Fabric Loot API (v2), Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Fabric Message API (v1), Fabric Mining Level API (v1), Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Networking API (v1), Fabric Networking (v0), Fabric Object Builder API (v1), Fabric Particles (v1), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Fabric Renderer API (v1), Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1), Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Fabric Screen API (v1), Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Fabric Textures (v0), Fabric Transfer API (v1), Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1), Fabric Loader, Immersive Portals Core, Immersive Portals, Kanos Config, Pehkui, QMiscUtil)
[08:19:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded Shader Code Transformation
[08:19:35] [Realms Notification Availability checker #1/INFO]: Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id
[08:19:40] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event:
[08:19:40] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
[08:19:40] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on 扬声器 (Realtek(R) Audio)
[08:19:40] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
[08:19:40] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[08:19:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[08:19:42] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
[08:19:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[08:19:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[08:19:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[08:20:05] [Render thread/INFO]: Deleting level 新的世界
[08:20:05] [Render thread/INFO]: Attempt 1...
[08:20:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[08:20:09] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1179 advancements
[08:20:16] [Worker-Bootstrap-6/INFO]: 4256 Datafixer optimizations took 59204 milliseconds
[08:20:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[08:20:33] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1179 advancements
[08:20:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 63 new biomes in 3.930 ms
[08:20:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.19
[08:20:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized minecraft:overworld
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:overworld null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized immersive_portals:alternate1
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate1 null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized minecraft:the_end
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:the_end null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized immersive_portals:alternate3
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate3 null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized immersive_portals:alternate2
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate2 null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized minecraft:the_nether
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:the_nether null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized immersive_portals:alternate4
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate4 null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Global portal storage initialized immersive_portals:alternate5
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate5 null
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Immersive Portals' Dimension Id Record File Does Not Exist
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Immersive Portals' dimension id record is missing
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Dimension Id Record is Missing
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Start Completing Dimension Id Record
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Before:

[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Loaded Dimensions:

[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: After:
minecraft:overworld -> 0
minecraft:the_nether -> -1
minecraft:the_end -> 1
immersive_portals:alternate1 -> 2
immersive_portals:alternate2 -> 3
immersive_portals:alternate3 -> 4
immersive_portals:alternate4 -> 5
immersive_portals:alternate5 -> 6
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Dimension Id Info Saved to File
[08:20:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[08:20:40] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:0%
[08:20:40] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:0%
[08:20:40] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:0%
[08:20:40] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:0%
[08:20:41] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:1%
[08:20:41] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:7%
[08:20:42] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:13%
[08:20:42] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:17%
[08:20:43] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:28%
[08:20:43] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:38%
[08:20:44] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:48%
[08:20:44] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:57%
[08:20:45] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:67%
[08:20:45] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:78%
[08:20:46] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:85%
[08:20:46] [Render thread/INFO]: 准备生成区域中:97%
[08:20:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading custom portal generation
[08:20:46] [Render thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 7661 ms
[08:20:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Server performance level: good
[08:20:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
[08:20:47] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing simulation distance to 12, from 0
[08:20:48] [Server thread/INFO]: qq163com[local:E:ccb9c558] logged in with entity id 4 at (10.5, -60.0, 3.5)
[08:20:48] [Server thread/INFO]: qq163com加入了游戏
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Received Dimension Type Sync
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: 
immersive_portals:alternate1 -> immersive_portals:surface_type
minecraft:the_end -> minecraft:the_end
immersive_portals:alternate2 -> immersive_portals:surface_type
immersive_portals:alternate3 -> immersive_portals:surface_type
minecraft:the_nether -> minecraft:the_nether
immersive_portals:alternate4 -> immersive_portals:surface_type
immersive_portals:alternate5 -> immersive_portals:surface_type
minecraft:overworld -> minecraft:overworld

[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Received Dimension Int Id Sync
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: 
minecraft:overworld -> 0
immersive_portals:alternate1 -> 2
immersive_portals:alternate2 -> 3
minecraft:the_nether -> -1
immersive_portals:alternate3 -> 4
immersive_portals:alternate4 -> 5
minecraft:the_end -> 1
immersive_portals:alternate5 -> 6
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: WorldRenderer reloaded minecraft:overworld
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 0 advancements
[08:20:49] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] 你正在使用沉浸传送门模组的预览版本,可能不稳定。报告问题:
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:overworld 新的世界'/minecraft:overworld
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate1 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate1
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_end 新的世界'/minecraft:the_end
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate3 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate3
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate2 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate2
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_nether 新的世界'/minecraft:the_nether
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate4 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate4
[08:20:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate5 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate5
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:overworld 新的世界'/minecraft:overworld
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate1 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate1
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_end 新的世界'/minecraft:the_end
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate3 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate3
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate2 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate2
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_nether 新的世界'/minecraft:the_nether
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate4 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate4
[08:22:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate5 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate5
[08:23:05] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Cloth Config v6, Fabric API, Fabric API Base, Fabric API Lookup API (v1), Fabric Biome API (v1), Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Fabric Command API (v1), Fabric Command API (v2), Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Convention Tags, Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fabric Data Generation API (v1), Fabric Dimensions API (v1), Fabric Entity Events (v1), Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Fabric Item API (v1), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Fabric Loot API (v2), Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Fabric Message API (v1), Fabric Mining Level API (v1), Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Networking API (v1), Fabric Networking (v0), Fabric Object Builder API (v1), Fabric Particles (v1), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Fabric Renderer API (v1), Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1), Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Fabric Screen API (v1), Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Fabric Textures (v0), Fabric Transfer API (v1), Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1), Fabric Loader, Immersive Portals Core, Immersive Portals, Kanos Config, Pehkui, QMiscUtil)
[08:23:06] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event:
[08:23:06] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
[08:23:06] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on 扬声器 (Realtek(R) Audio)
[08:23:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
[08:23:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[08:23:07] [Render thread/INFO]: WorldRenderer reloaded minecraft:overworld
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: qq163com lost connection: 连接中止
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: qq163com退出了游戏
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunk Tracking Graph Force Remove literal{qq163com}
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[08:23:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[08:23:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:overworld 新的世界'/minecraft:overworld
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate1 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate1
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_end 新的世界'/minecraft:the_end
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate3 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate3
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate2 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate2
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld minecraft:the_nether 新的世界'/minecraft:the_nether
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate4 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate4
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerWorld immersive_portals:alternate5 新的世界'/immersive_portals:alternate5
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (新的世界): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (alternate1): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (alternate3): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (alternate2): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (alternate4): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (alternate5): All chunks are saved
[08:23:14] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage: All dimensions are saved
[08:23:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping!



未安装Pehkui,但我走过了放大(2x1 -> 4x2)传送门


[08:18:21] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19 with Fabric Loader 0.14.8
[08:18:22] [main/INFO]: Loading 57 mods:
- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 via cloth-config
- cloth-config 7.0.72 via immersive_portals
- fabric 0.57.0+1.19
- fabric-api-base 0.4.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-biome-api-v1 9.0.14+b2a4a624a9 via fabric
- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.6+f71b366fa9 via fabric
- fabric-command-api-v2 2.1.2+0d55f585a9 via fabric
- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.23+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.27+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-content-registries-v0 3.2.0+07df213ea9 via fabric
- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.0.8+37622d24a9 via fabric
- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.3+bd0a0d4aa9 via fabric
- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.1.1+a680b9b4a9 via fabric
- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.28+a6d2f785a9 via fabric
- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.4.16+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.26+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.25+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.19+18990361a9 via fabric
- fabric-item-api-v1 1.5.4+767db26ea9 via fabric
- fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.25+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.16+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.1.0+33fbc738a9 via fabric
- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.0+03a4e568a9 via fabric
- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.3+9e7660c6a9 via fabric
- fabric-message-api-v1 1.0.1+513f4a59a9 via fabric
- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.10+33fbc738a9 via fabric
- fabric-models-v0 0.3.15+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.0.27+7fe97409a9 via fabric
- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.14+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.0.7+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-particles-v1 1.0.8+dc39553aa9 via fabric
- fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.17+23c4cfefa9 via fabric
- fabric-renderer-api-v1 1.0.8+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-renderer-indigo 0.6.9+1f92344ea9 via fabric
- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.18+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.12+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.5+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.20+df3654b3a9 via fabric
- fabric-rendering-v1 1.10.14+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.5.5+a6d2f785a9 via fabric
- fabric-screen-api-v1 1.0.24+f05effafa9 via fabric
- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.2.6+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-textures-v0 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9 via fabric
- fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9 via fabric
- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.1.1+9e7660c6a9 via fabric
- fabricloader 0.14.8
- imm_ptl_core 2.0.4 via immersive_portals
- immersive_portals 2.0.4
- java 17
- kanos_config 0.3.1+1.14.4-1.19 via pehkui
- minecraft 1.19
- pehkui 3.3.3+1.14.4-1.19.1
- q_misc_util 2.0.4 via immersive_portals
[08:18:22] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/Administrator/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
[08:18:22] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
[08:18:22] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[08:18:24] [main/WARN]: Configuration conflict: there is more than one file on the classpath
[08:18:24] [main/WARN]: Configuration conflict: there is more than one file on the classpath
[08:18:29] [main/INFO]: Building optimized datafixer
[08:18:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[08:18:36] [Render thread/ERROR]: Failed to verify authentication
com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException: Status: 401
at com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException.toAuthenticationException( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService.createUserApiService( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_310.method_31382( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_310.( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( [client-intermediary.jar:?]
at [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.8.jar:?]
Caused by: com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException: Status: 401
at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.readInputStream( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.get( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-3.5.41.jar:?]
... 8 more
[08:18:36] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: qq163com
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Immersive Portals config
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: IP Config Applied
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Immersive Portals Mod Initializing
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Dimensional Threading is not present
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Pehkui is present
[08:18:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Gravity API is not present
[08:18:38] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Registering Indigo renderer!
[08:18:38] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Compatibility mode enabled.
[08:18:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Sodium is not present
[08:18:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Iris is not present
[08:18:38] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping blit_screen
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_color_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping position_tex_color
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Shader Transform Skipping rendertype_text
[08:18:42] [Worker-Main-8/ERROR]: Failed to retrieve profile key pair Could not retrieve profile key pair
at net.minecraft.class_7434.method_43605( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_7434.method_44291( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.exec( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( [?:?]
at [?:?]
[08:18:42] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Cloth Config v6, Fabric API, Fabric API Base, Fabric API Lookup API (v1), Fabric Biome API (v1), Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Fabric Command API (v1), Fabric Command API (v2), Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Convention Tags, Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fabric Data Generation API (v1), Fabric Dimensions API (v1), Fabric Entity Events (v1), Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Fabric Item API (v1), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Fabric Loot API (v2), Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Fabric Message API (v1), Fabric Mining Level API (v1), Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Networking API (v1), Fabric Networking (v0), Fabric Object Builder API (v1), Fabric Particles (v1), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Fabric Renderer API (v1), Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1), Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Fabric Screen API (v1), Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Fabric Textures (v0), Fabric Transfer API (v1), Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1), Fabric Loader, Immersive Portals Core, Immersive Portals, Kanos Config, Pehkui, QMiscUtil)
[08:18:43] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded Shader Code Transformation
[08:18:44] [Realms Notification Availability checker #1/INFO]: Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id
[08:18:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event:
[08:18:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
[08:18:47] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on 扬声器 (Realtek(R) Audio)
[08:18:47] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[08:18:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[08:18:49] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
[08:18:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[08:18:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[08:18:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[08:18:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[08:18:58] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1179 advancements
[08:18:59] [Render thread/INFO]: Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 63 new biomes in 4.617 ms
[08:18:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.19
[08:18:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:overworld null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate1 null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate5 null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate3 null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:the_end null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate4 null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement minecraft:the_nether null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Bedrock Replacement immersive_portals:alternate2 null
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully read IP's dimension id record
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Start Completing Dimension Id Record
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Before:
minecraft:overworld -> 0
immersive_portals:alternate1 -> 2
immersive_portals:alternate2 -> 3
minecraft:the_nether -> -1
immersive_portals:alternate3 -> 4
immersive_portals:alternate4 -> 5
minecraft:the_end -> 1
immersive_portals:alternate5 -> 6
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Loaded Dimensions:

[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: After:
minecraft:overworld -> 0
immersive_portals:alternate1 -> 2
immersive_portals:alternate2 -> 3
minecraft:the_nether -> -1
immersive_portals:alternate3 -> 4
immersive_portals:alternate4 -> 5
minecraft:the_end -> 1
immersive_portals:alternate5 -> 6
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Dimension Id Info Saved to File
[08:19:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld

