API for creating Portals
benfah opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I wanted to ask if there are any future plans to create an API for creating portals, so that other devs can use your portals in other mods. :)
What do you want the API to be like?
First, there is a system for BreakablePortalEntity which nether portal uses.
There is BlockPortalShape https://github.com/qouteall/ImmersivePortalsMod/blob/1.15/src/main/java/com/qouteall/immersive_portals/portal/nether_portal/BlockPortalShape.java
And this can generate portal by block portal shape
And it can indicate when to break portal like this
If this system does not fit the requirement, you can manipulate portals directly.
Use GeometryPortalShape for strangely shaped portals
Creating one portal and then complete bi way portal, bi faced portal
Oh well, thank you :D. I just wasn't sure if these method names would all hold up for future releases.