- 2
Crashing - Due to Track updates(?)
#689 opened by Nachtflame - 4
Missing Recipes
#688 opened by Nachtflame - 3
Train Inventory Icons Invisible
#687 opened by FangeHaux - 4
Significant performance degradation
#686 opened by NoxyNixie - 2
Locomotive disappeared without a trace
#685 opened by NoxyNixie - 0
1m Track only facing N/S
#684 opened by Larky2k - 1
Inventory issues with Crayfish Gun Mod
#683 opened by cam72cam - 3
Track exchanger ability to alter railbed.
#682 opened by NoxyNixie - 1
Reintroduce the ability to set icon resolution.
#681 opened by NoxyNixie - 4
Black rolling stock when turning around in railyard.
#680 opened by NoxyNixie - 7
Client crashes when rendering mod assets.
#679 opened by 1Pawelgo - 1
[1.14] Crash on game start. invalid Track API file.
#678 opened by MasterEnderman - 5
Can't mount to any type of train
#677 opened by whatsapp2 - 2
crash when loading world
#676 opened by moscontheroad - 3
crashed when starting the game
#675 opened by zues3000 - 0
Cars disappear when viewed from certain angles in latest modcore build
#674 opened by WrongWeekend - 2
Broken conductor's whistle timeout
#673 opened by WrongWeekend - 1
Sounds not loading
#672 opened by SteampsonJake - 21
Crash after placing way too long piece of track (with golden spike)
#671 opened by themartin1 - 0
Slopes don't work if longer than 159 blocks
#670 opened by cam72cam - 0
Crash in IR entity ticking
#669 opened by cam72cam - 1
Better Glass
#662 opened by Grandpagrump - 2
How do I power this Locomotive?
#661 opened by LuciferHKY - 3
[Suggestion] Hide items without Recipe from JEI
#660 opened by ben-mkiv - 1
[Suggestion] Add GUI when selecting track
#657 opened by Excited-Naive - 0
Part # value cannot exceed 9
#656 opened by WrongWeekend - 0
Use default sound if custom sound file cannot be found
#654 opened by WrongWeekend - 6
how do i move stuff
#653 opened by ShadowsRevenge2 - 0
Muted chuffing when throttle is closed
#652 opened by SteampsonJake - 17
Rolling Stock Not on server
#651 opened by Gizmo0320 - 1
Server download error on Twitch app
#649 opened by aurimilky - 5
NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
#648 opened by GeorgeEbberson - 4
IR's rails and BuildHelper Mod crash
#647 opened by Eulerdice - 2
Locomotives steam and diesel not burning any fuel coal or water
#646 opened by TrainLord - 21
Crash resulting from Minecraft Transport Simulator
#641 opened by Aspenpaw - 2
Crash in combination with CraftTweaker
#640 opened by ParadiseTeamAF - 0
Minecraft crashes when i start MC forge with IR
#639 opened by wxsted - 3
Bogies not following correct track
#638 opened by Dickovski - 13
NullPointerException Error: Tesselating block in world
#637 opened by aagha - 5
BetterPortals compatibility
#636 opened by Johni0702 - 0
Caledonian Railway 812 and 652 Classes
#635 opened by therealbdld - 145
locomotive not accepting fuel or water
#634 opened by therealbdld - 1
British rolling stock/ british passenger cars and chain
#633 opened by therealbdld - 3
Feedback on griefers for Immersive Railroading mod.
#632 opened by aurimilky - 2
[Suggestion] specified item/fluid loading...
#631 opened by Ash-0666 - 2
Look at this bad boy
#630 opened by Ah-Bo - 11
Locomotives are rendered wrongly?
#629 opened by Flow86 - 8
Locomotives will not accept fuel
#628 opened by 412pgh - 1
umm what happen
#627 opened by Napson12 - 1
Strange bug with enchantments.
#626 opened by FrozenDragon0