Build up SP by hitting mobs, right-click to unleash a world of hurt upon your enemies when the time is right.
Recent Changes - Version 1.12.2-0.2.1:
- Minor bug fixes for now.
- It's been too long, but I finally fixed the makeshift proxy structure so dedicated servers "should" be able to run this mod now.
- Significantly reduced the size of the music disc. Good grief.
- Slight optimization attempt to the Raikiri sword blades.
Placeholder for Tranquil Arias pistols added. Equip in dominant arm and left click to fire.
- Add a second in the off-hand to increase fire rate.
Previous Changes - Version 1.12.2-0.2.0:
- Raikiri is now upgradeable using addition Honkai Crystals.
- Added a music disc - Lyin (See You in the Next World) - uncraftable for now.
- Started a prototype for a time fracture mechanic. You can test it using
/summon impactcraft:timeslow
This will slow all non-player living entities down by 3x.
Previous Changes - Version 1.12.2-0.1.0:
- Version numbering now (kind of) follows Forge conventions...
- There is now a config file for changing numbers. You'll have to restart the game to see the changes if you make them.
- Upgrade system using NBT tags in the works; consequently, Raikiri is nerfed and can't be upgraded for now.
/give player impactcraft:raikiri 1 0 {"upgrades":3}
- Placeholder for Nuada's Grief gauntlet weapon added. Equip one in each hand and punch mobs as fast as you can lol.
- We're going to be Alpha/Beta builds for a while until the Raikiri and Nuada's Grief weapons are finalized alongside the weapons systems.
Added Weapons:
Raikiri [SP: 18, CD: 25]
- Skill: Creates ethereal blades for you and all of your nearby petstamed entities.
Known Issues:
- If death and respawn take place in the same area, if there were Raikiri blades present, there is a significant frame drop until the player leaves the area or quits and rejoins.
Please send any issues you find to the GitHub repo, ideally with the crash logstack trace and a general description of what was going on.
Planned Features:
- Nuada's Grief (Gauntlet)
- Tranquil Arias (Guns)
- Imported Weapon Sounds
- More tweaks/balancing changes to combat
- Oath of Judah (Cross)
- Mjolnir (Guns)
- Sakura Blossom (Another Katana)
Other To-Do:
- Change License
- Upload (Better) Screenshots
- Video Links