Impaled ๐Ÿ”ฑ

Impaled ๐Ÿ”ฑ


Unable to obtain Sincere Loyalty

RubyRezal opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft 1.18.1
Fabric 0.12.12
Impaled 1.0.2

Following instructions on the Wiki, I'm trying to obtain "Sincere Loyalty" on tridents but this doesn't seem to be working. Tested in custom modpack and in a clean sandbox, same results.
2022-01-09_14 22 43
2022-01-09_14 22 34
2022-01-09_14 22 39

Example images from modpack.

Don't know how helpful this might be, but here's my log from testing in a clean client. Same results as the modpack, couldn't upgrade any Loyalty III Trident to Loyalty IV.


You're trying to use an anvil, try doing the same thing with a smithing table instead!


2022-01-24_08 40 07

Thank you!