![Impaled 🔱](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/378/439/256/256/637557500949015170.png)
- 0
NPE on AOF4 launch
#8 opened by ramidzkh - 9
Can i port it to 1.20
#52 opened by dark-enigma - 5
[1.18] Riptide Elder Trident doesn't work
#11 opened by Desempregago - 4
Backport Request: Backport mod to 1.16.5
#12 opened by Shibva - 2
Unable to obtain Sincere Loyalty
#13 opened by RubyRezal - 0
Ripdite Elder Tridents Duping
#14 opened - 1
Incompatible with 1.18.2
#15 opened by Fourbo - 0
Guardian trident picking up the extra riptides
#16 opened by DT05YT - 0
Loyalty 4 incompatible with Limitless
#17 opened by LIAM1543 - 0
[1.18.2] Can't throw any Tridents unless it has Loyalty
#19 opened by BlindTwig - 0
[1.18.2] Impaled Update wrong dependency
#18 opened by itsdinkd - 0
SUGGESTION: Extra Enchants for Atlan
#20 opened by def-SpaceWar - 1
Sincere Loyalty recall function not working
#21 opened by 533kr - 0
Sweeping edge does not work with the Atlan.
#22 opened by WyLL-Code - 0
#23 opened by inflorescence91838 - 1
modrinth version?
#25 opened by youmukonpaku1337 - 0
#26 opened by ardissaps - 0
Vanilla Trident Emit light
#27 opened by ardissaps - 4
Trident disappears when thrown...
#32 opened by HelpComputr - 1
Curseforge Download Issue
#29 opened by DDriggs00 - 0
Grindstone Doesn't Remove Sincere Loyalty
#30 opened by Eman-3600 - 0
Entity Translation Key Missing
#31 opened by Eman-3600 - 1
Atlan not throwable after Sincere Loyalty and Riptide
#33 opened by jayberry14 - 0
Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_998
#34 opened by purejosh - 0
crashing when trying to open a previously played world with an elder trident
#35 opened by slovinsqui - 2
Can´t use riptide + loyalty / when dropping trident, drops as an item instead of the trident projectile that can be recallable
#36 opened by slovinsqui - 0
Elder trident dupe when using mod with Enchancement
#38 opened by A-Specters - 3
v1.1.4 not loading on 1.19.2
#42 opened by Mehechiger - 4
compatibility with soul fire´d
#44 opened by slovinsqui - 0
Enchancement single-level mode Sincere Loyalty compatibility
#46 opened by ANormalRaft - 0
Incompatibility between EasyAnvils and Impaled
#47 opened by muksl - 1
What is the LICENSE of this project?
#49 opened by jwaxy - 2
dosent work with quilt?
#50 opened by Azesuper - 1
Is this mod abandoned?
#51 opened by allanonmage - 0
[Suggestion] Put older versions on Modrinth
#58 opened by SamHammie - 1
Soulfork entity ticking when thrown
#61 opened by Hir0shiyt - 1
Client crashes if removed from server after throwing trident
#62 opened by williambl - 1
#63 opened by 12Fate12 - 0
How do i add this mod?
#67 opened by llogicalact - 0
Can't build 1.20 branch
#68 opened by Darkfllame - 1
Fabric Loader 0.11.3 / snapshot-21w18a - crashes as soon as any of the tridents are thrown.
#6 opened by CredibleToast