Improved Mobs (Forge)

Improved Mobs (Forge)


Server Crashing with Only the Mod and its Dependencies

Zanzetkuken opened this issue ยท 2 comments




Minecraft version


Modloader version

Fabric Loader 0.14.23

Mod version

Improved Mobs 1.20.1-1.11.5 - Fabric version

TenshiLib version

TenshiLib 1.20.1-1.7.1 - Fabric version


I attempted to launch the server with the mod installed and the server crashed. Thanks to the list only being seven mods large, I was able to check for incompatibilities by going through the list of mods one at a time, with their required dependencies, to see which mod was causing the errors. The server was successful in both launching and being joinable with the sole exception being when I attempted to load Improved Mobs. An attempted test loading just the dependencies had the server launch and be successfully joinable.

The crash is near instant when the server finishes preparing the spawn area and occurs too quickly for a player to be able to join.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Do a fresh install of a Fabric Server for Minecraft 1.20.2
  2. Input the latest Fabric API, latest TenshiLib, and ImprovedMobs into the Mods folder
  3. Start the server, crash seems to occur during the first tick

Mods that might affect the issue

Fabric API version present was fabric-api-0.90.4+1.20.2.jar



well 1.20.2 is not supported yet


Huh. Didn't expect the changes to have been so significant between 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 that it would have caused crashes to desktop on the first tick. Looks like I was incorrect on that assumption.