Improved Mobs (Forge)

Improved Mobs (Forge)


[1.12.2] Mobs Only Break Wooden Blocks or Weaker

BTRBT opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Mobs can only break wooden blocks or weaker. Not sure if this is intended design or not.


  • Config for break level
  • Config for break speed
  • Config for breaking tile entities
  • Config for difficulty at which mobs break blocks / steal items
  • CoroUtil repair block compatibility

Steps to reproduce:

Set the break list to an empty blacklist. Have some zombies chase you into a stone structure with no doors. Results contrast with wooden structure. They'll tear through wooden walls like they're made of paper (The walls, that is. Not the zombies).

Affected Versions (Latest is NOT a version):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • TenshiLib: 1.2.3
  • Improved Mobs: 1.6.1

Other Mods





Really fantastic mod, honestly. One of the best mob AI mods around, given the block-breaking and stealing from containers. Keep up the great work!


regarding break level/speed: thats determined by the tool in the entities hand (and now fixed). and you can add tile entities to the break list. though with that they wont auto search for it but only break it if its in the way. i dont think its really necessary with the stealing though


What I meant with the tile entities recommendation would be to whitelist or blacklist all tile-entities in general, rather than by hand. Really just a convenience factor so it's easy to set the config to something like "Break everything to get to the player, except for stuff with complex state." No worries, though.

In any case, thanks so much for your time and expertise!