Improved Mobs (Forge)

Improved Mobs (Forge)


Mobs are Invincible Gods for some reason.

Opened this issue · 11 comments


Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Issue: Difficulty Bug?

So i decided that one of my saves was getting too boring, i had full enchanted diamond protection 4 armor and sharpness 5 sword and all that good endgame stuff. So i installed this mod and all the sudden i was getting one hit killed by skeletons, creepers, and enderman. every single hostile mob had full diamond armor and swords (except skeletons, they still have bows). Cave spider poison brings me down to half a heart in about a second. Even regular spiders make me look like a joke, if i don't have a shield then i get slaughtered. Heck even the passive mobs that become hostile are bloody monsters, and i cant kill them either because every single mob takes like 100 hits from a fully enchanted diamond sword and by then i am already dead. Even with enchanted golden apples it takes almost a whole stack of them to not die and actually kill a single hostile mob (and no i'm not just a noob who doesnt know the game i've been playing minecraft since its release). Well there goes my record for not dying in that save. Is it supposed to be that hard? I was playing on easy mode too.

Update 1:
I tried using lava to kill some cave spiders and cant because this mod makes them strong enough to SWIM THROUGH LAVA and still kill you, one bite from one cave spider with full protection IV diamond armor takes me down to half health, I'm just going to uninstall this for now so that i can actually kill mobs.


sounds very strange, this doesnt sound like its this mod.
which version are you using? i didnt even touch passive mobs here


i only have a config option with neutral mobs, maybe you meant that cause i am not doing anything with passive mobs.
also i tested it again and set the difficulty to an high number (though with default config it maxes at around 300). i could not reproduce what you described.
can you tell me which version youre using (this mod, forge version). and which mods you have also installed beside this?


at the top i said what version, but its 1.12.2. Try giving yourself a lot of xp on an unmodded save, then installing your mod. I forgot to mention earlier that i modified the config to have them all have the best weapons+armor (i was typing that at 2 in the morning lol, also yes i was referring to neutral mobs like pigmen and the like, when its 2AM you don't know what you're doing). But the monsters become godlike if you do install this with a lot of xp and maybe some time spent (remember, they added the regional difficulty to Minecraft), at least for me. Maybe my Minecraft is just being stupid, who knows? Still a good mod to keep around though because mobs are just boring otherwise.

PS: My java version is 32 bit on my pc because i was an idiot and got 32 bit windows accidently and now its too late to turn back, sigh. Seriously why does Microsoft even offer 32 bit anymore anyways??

Edit 1: Just incase your curious if its a conflicting mod issue here's my mod list:

  • Improved Mobs: obviously or else i wouldn't be here, latest version.
  • Tough as nails: Adds stuff like thirst and heat, does not touch mobs in anyway.
  • Optifine: Self explanatory
  • Texfix: apparently supposed to double available ram by "unloading unused textures" but i haven't seen anything.
  • Realistic item drops: makes it so you don't pick up anything unless you right click it, also gives items a little physics animation. Does not touch mobs.
  • forgelin: required for tough as nails.
  • Probably something else i cant remember because I'm not at my desktop computer rn but I'm sure it doesn't touch mobs.

i meant the version of my mod you are using but since you said the recent one i guess its 1.1.5?
also you said you modified the config? can you post it on pastebin or something and put the link here so i can look at it. maybe its cause of that.
the older versions used the current world time spent in a world to calculate the difficulty (which was i think a little buggy) but the recent one uses a custom counter so time and xp should not matter if you installed this mod in an old world.


ok here:
Im going to try to record in game if i can so you can see what it looks like in game.(it may take a while, just FYI).


Actually, recording would do no good, because somehow the local difficulty went back down to 5.71//1.00, earlier it was 14.56//0.16. I think the initial installation of your mod somehow bugged out the difficulty, because it was never that high, uninstalling and reinstalling the mod fixed it somehow. (it was actually bugged out pretty bad, monsters were moving at light speed and dealing enough damage to drop a player decked out in protection IV diamond armor in one hit, shields also broke instantly).


Well when i looked in the config there's an option to set chances of passive mobs becoming hostile. When i set the difficulty scaling to zero i could actually fight them. Maybe this mod doesn't like being installed in the middle of a gamesave, because when i test it on a new save, its still pretty balanced. I still like the new ai though so ill keep this mod.


oh i didnt know that email goes through here...well this is awkward


Did you add mobs that are mixed??? i just got blown up by a creeper that was also shooting arrows at me. I call bs im using nbtedit to get my xp and stuff back.


i tried a lot and could not reproduce what you are describing. the most a zombie dealt to me even with full diamond was around 2,5 hearts.
also its in the description of the mod: mobs can use items like bows etc.
for now i will close this issue since you said it somehow fixed itself but if it happens again, please reopen this and if possible also record it maybe.
also i am releasing a new version with more config options and stuff so maybe that will be resolved.