Improved Mobs (Forge)

Improved Mobs (Forge)


Ai issue, Break world gen, + 1 enhancement/solutions

ShootToKillSTK opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Part through making this I realized it's a lot because of datapack I have that spawns mobs with an animation of putting them underground then rising, but the zombies still break blocks during that causing them to get stuck in a hole before able to actually move

***ENHANCEMENT/Fix: Would be really nice then if can have a 'cooldown' of sort for breaking blocks, or just a spawn in delay as this will only happen if spawned in range of something it targets

***Scalinghealth will prevent creating world if Config is enabled to use it's difficulty setting (latest SH and default config)

Entities allowed to break blocks will often stand in place and break below them when targeting a villager/Likely anthing, instead of just walking at them, resulting in them often being stuck as they aren't the best at digging out of places.

**Another Idea to fix/Enhancement: If they targeted blocks at head height first maybe this would help to get out of holes and had some delay to breaking blocks, like half second delay after breaking a block so maybe they're Ai will jump the block before trying to just break again resulting often in a loop of failing to get out of a hole.
-- Maybe increasing the time slightly that they start to break will then fix the random breaking under them when chasing

Steps to reproduce:


Spawn zombies then spawn Villager, villager will run and zombies some or most will break under them(from my datapack), some will chase but then sometimes stop and break under them, I think this is because of grass/tall grass maybe but also doesn't seem to be, I think they just break when idle and/changing directions

Affected Versions (Latest is NOT a version):

  • Minecraft:1.16.5
  • Forge: 36.1.0
  • TenshiLib: 1.16.3-1.3.0
  • ImprovedMobs:1.16.4-1.7.6

Other Mods:

Don't believe it to be anything related(Besides datapack ofc), no other AI mods or similar things, mostly just structure/Biome mods or Dimension and entity is all. Not all things in configs are even currently installed, some mods are missing



Hope this can help improve mod as this is one of the only like it for this version!(1.16.5) And simply an amazing idea/improvement for so many modpacks especially with these bugs fixed and possible features :)


Why was this simply closed?