Did the last few updates completely break prior jsons?
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I had functional spawn and potential spawn jsons prior to the last few updates. Now mobs are spawning nonstop until the entity count makes the game slow to a crawl. I see that you added more functions to the spawn syntax, but nothing I read should have made my files not work anymore.
This is how my potentialspawn is formatted:
"dimension": 0,
"mob": "ftrsquids:rocketsquid",
"weight": 8,
"groupcountmin": 1,
"groupcountmax": 2
This is how my spawn file is formatted
"mob": "ftrsquids:rocketsquid",
"mincount": 6,
"result": "deny"
This USED to cap their spawn at 6.... but now they, and every other mob, spawn dozens nonstop.
Can you be more specific on which version it is failing. The reason I ask is that there is an important difference
On a side note, I have an open ticket over on your FX Control mod as well. If you get a chance, I know you just got back from vacation, so you probably have your hands full.