In Control!

In Control!


[REQUEST] ForgeCaps NBT Support

Xarmat-GitHub opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I try to unlock "nbt": { "ForgeCaps": {... } } in spawn.json.
Manipulating other NBT data works fine (Attributes, etc.).

I have use Ice and Fire and DDD mods to make some tests.

Testing [Version: 1.12.2]:

Here are some test I have made with the scripts I have used.
I also read the NBT data carefully and be sure that this is the right syntax.

  • Here are the ForgeCaps on a Blaze when this mod is installed:
  • Changing NBT "TurnedToStone": INGAME from 0 to 1 turn the entity to stone:
  1. Now I try to achieve this with InControl: spawn.json
  • Result: Failed
  1. Next: Reduce ForgeCaps Script to minimum:
  • Result: Failed

3 Next: testing with mobs that can spawn naturally - Sheep:

  • Result: Failed
  1. Next: testing with different ForgeCaps values ("TicksUntilUnfrozen": 1000, "IsFrozen": 1)
  • Result: Failed
  1. ZombieTest with one DDD ForgeCaps (fire attack):
  • Result: Failed

Questions that might help:

A. "ForgeCaps" is written in big letters, but other JSON code are always small (writing it small will not help, I test this)

Result of Testing

It didn't worked with DDD and IceAndFire.
Then the problem seams that ForgeCaps are not supported by InControl OR get overwritten in spawning process OR can not given to a mob when spawning and will be ignored, afterwards the normal ForgeCaps will be set to the mob.

The "onjoin" option in InControl don't help in this case, test it with and without.

Why needed?

DDD is not the only mod that allow huge mob changes when installed.
Ice and Fire is one more example that use this.
Enable the way to change these NBT values, will enhance with greater modpack creator freedom.
In my case, spawn mobs with special set resistances and damage types to give the player a need to swap equipment, biome, dimension and Y level based.

Thanks for reading, hope you have a solution @McJty : )


I actually have no idea how to do that. For some reason some NBT is supported and some not.
Besides, I no longer develop on 1.12 so if you want this on 1.12 I'm afraid this will not happen (by me at least)


Thanks for the fast answer. ๐Ÿ‘
To bad that there is no solution at the moment.
Will research a bit, maybe I can find something useful.
Else, I will close this ticket in a few days.