In Control!

In Control!


[1.16.5] Blockoffset example?

Terra-B-Welch opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Any chance of sharing a blockoffset example for mob spawns? Like having it so mobs won't spawn withing say... 32 blocks of a specific block? If that's possible?



Could you still give a generic example of how "blockoffset" is used? I kinda know json but there are no examples in the documentation and I'm basically just guessing as to how it's structured or what terms might be used.

"blockoffset": {
"x": 0,
"y": -5,
"z": 0

Edit: I seem to only be able to get it to work when I use "offset" within "blockoffset" like this:

"blockoffset": {
"offset": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0

I noticed in the changelog of version 7.0.15 that you could directly add the "x", "y", and "z" tags without "offset".


Why did you gravedig this issue instead of just making a new one?


Why did you gravedig this issue instead of just making a new one?

Because I also wanted an example and he never gave one?


then make a new issue, this one is closed, the guy will likely never read it unless you make a new one...


Even if it was a single manmade block?

Also I find it hilarious that it took like... half a year to get a response.


That's not possible. Checking if a block exists in 32 radius is a HUGE number of blocks to test. That would slow down Minecraft to a crawl


Well only if the mod that provided the manmade block had some system to communicate where it is. But that requires another mod